Video Marketing

5 Steps to Resize Your Video and Reach More People

Lucas Killcoyne


The more people that see your video, the more likely it is to be successful.

One of the most effective, and easiest, ways to get your video in front of more eyeballs is to share your video in more places.

So can you just take the square video you created for Facebook and share it on the rest of your platforms? Not so fast.

Your video’s aspect ratio can make a big difference in the performance of your video, and even mean the difference between being able to share to certain platforms and not. After all:

  • Square videos take up 78% more space than landscape videos in newsfeeds.
  • Vertical video is a must for Stories, TikTok, Reels, and IGTV.
  • Audiences on YouTube, as well as website visitors, expect landscape video.

The good news is that you’ve already done (almost) all of the work to get your video ready to share across your social media accounts and beyond.

How to change your video’s aspect ratio

  1. Copy your video.

Head to your My Videos page and make a copy of your video. Step 1 Copy Video

2. Resize your video. Click “Continue Editing” on the copy of your video. Then click the Ratio button and select a new aspect ratio for your copy. Step 2 Resize Video

3. Review your video. Watch your newly-resized video and make any final tweaks. Check to make sure that your text and media are positioned the way you’d like them in the new aspect ratio. You may also want to rename your video to indicate where you’re planning on sharing it. Step 3 Review Your video

4. Export and share. Click export to finalize your video. Then share directly to the social platform you just optimized your video for, or download the file to your computer to share through the platform itself. Step 4 Export and Share

5. Repeat the process one more time. Congratulations! You’ve just optimized your video for at least one additional sharing platform. Repeat steps 1-4 to create your third version of your video, and start reaching more people in more places. Step 5 Repeat

Cheat Sheet: Where to share your new videos

Now that you have your videos, here’s where to share them, based on their aspect ratio. This isn’t an exhaustive list, but it’s a good starting point that should apply to most businesses.

Square: Facebook feed, Instagram feed, Linkedin feed

Landscape: YouTube, Website, Email

Vertical: Instagram Stories, Facebook Stories, TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram Reels, IGTV

Ready to get started?

You’ve already done the work. Now copy and resize your video to reach more people across your social media accounts. Click the button below to return to your My Videos page.