Video Ideas

Finding High-Quality Stock for Professional Videos: From A-Z

Kari Livesay


With more than 1 million photos and videos offered in our Select stock library and 100 million+ photos and videos available through our Premium stock library, you can easily create beautiful, sleek, and professional videos to attract your target audience or engage your stakeholders.

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You can use photos and video clips entirely from our Getty Images stock library, or you can combine our media with your own photos and videos. Not sure where to begin? We’ve compiled a list of search terms from A-Z to help you find the photos and videos that best suit your professional video-making needs.

Pro tip: Use these search terms as a starting point and get specific according to your needs. For example, start with the search term “desk.” From there, add keywords to narrow down your search, like “desk in classroom” or “cubicle desk.”

Search terms from A-Z

A - Administrative professional Administrative professionals are the backbone of so many businesses. Express your gratitude to them with a thank you video. From graphics showing how they masterfully multitask to videos sharing how they keep the office running, our stock library has the images and videos you need to recognize their efforts.

Admin professional

B - Business From conference calls and casual colleague greetings to small business ownership and boardroom presentations, our stock library covers the gamut of all things business-related. Use our photos and video clips when creating informative videos about your business, sharing internal announcements with staff, and in employee training videos.

C - Coffee break Connect with employees using the cozy coffee photos and videos in our stock library. Invite colleagues to weekly coffee in the conference room, encourage work-from-home staff to take a few minutes to make themselves a cup of coffee, or let employees know when you have new coffee flavors in the break room.


D - Desks Whether you work in an office, a classroom, or from a home office, there is one thing you need: a desk. Promote the benefits of working from home, show what a day in the office looks like, or share a few examples of how you like to set up your classroom with our wide selection of photos and videos from our stock library.


E - Environmental responsibility People want to work for and support businesses dedicated to sustainability and reducing their carbon footprint. Create a video sharing your organization’s dedication to environmental responsibility and include photos and videos from our stock library to emphasize your message.

Environmental Responsibility

F - Food Your first thought might be utilizing food photos and videos for bars and restaurants, but aside from that, food touches dozens of other industries. From the wellness influencer showing off their smoothie bowl to the buffet-style lunch served at the corporate retreat, the need for beautiful photos and images of food expands far beyond the restaurant arena.

We recommend tailoring this search to meet your needs; for example, try searching “food in buffet line” or “catered food.”

G - Group project Group projects are commonplace in the workforce and are effective at helping teams problem-solve, think outside the box, and overcome obstacles. Get creative the next time you assign a group project and explain the task at hand using video. Our Getty Images stock library is full of photos showing teammates collaborating on group projects, both in the office or remotely on Zoom.

H - Happy hour - Get creative with your happy hour invites and explore the photo and video options available in our stock library. Whether in person or virtual, you can create an invite that will make people want to come and socialize. Feel free to add text to your invite to include where, when, and what time your event will be occurring.


I - Inclusion at work You continuously work to make sure your business is a safe and inclusive space. Use the photos and videos from our stock library, along with images of your team members, to let your prospective employees and customers know that your workplace is dedicated to diversity, equity, and inclusion.


J - Job hunt Do you have open positions that need to be filled with talented and hardworking professionals? Get the word out and grab the attention of job seekers through video. Our stock library has the photos and video clips you need to effectively communicate a job opening, including graphics of job search engines and photos of in-office interviews.

K - Knowledge Acquiring knowledge, especially knowledge on the job, is pivotal in your growth and performance as a professional. Use the search term “knowledge” to find photos and video clips you can use to invite colleagues to lunch and learns, product trainings, and other events where they can gain job-specific knowledge.

L - Leadership Not all leaders look the same. While some stand in front of a podium or on a stage, sharing motivational speeches, others lead quietly from the sidelines, contributing sound advice. No matter your idea of leadership, the photos and video clips available in our stock library cover an array of leadership styles. Use these photos to motivate colleagues, showing that leadership looks different for everyone.

M - Manager Are you changing up your office structure or hiring new management? Use photos and videos relating to management positions from our stock library to make a video communicating new changes to your employees. Use a photo or video clip of a manager interacting with employees and include text stating what new practices are being implemented.

N - Nurse There is a continual need for high-performing medical professionals, caregivers, and other essential workers. Utilize video to stand apart from your competition when it comes to recruiting top talent. Use photos and video clips from our stock library of nurses and other medical professionals in the field and include text throughout your video sharing what sets your workplace apart.


O - Onboarding Keep onboarding interesting and concise by highlighting some of the most important aspects of your company with video. Combine photos and videos from our stock library with text explaining the top 3-5 tasks a new employee needs to complete within their first few days. Check out the example below for inspiration.


P - Podcasting You’re about to launch your new podcast, and it’s time to let everyone know when and where they can begin streaming it! Create a video including brand photos, photos of the host(s), and relevant information about the podcast. Also include beautiful photos and videos from our stock library of podcasting equipment, production software, and more.

Q - [Frequently asked] Questions Do your customers and/or employees ask you the same handful of questions repeatedly? No problem – just make a video answering their most frequently asked questions to share with them when need be. Keep your FAQs interesting by adding dynamic question marks from our stock library, like the ones featured in the example below.

R - Real estate - From meeting with clients, driving to showings, and dozens of small daily tasks in between, realtors don't have much time to create marketing materials. Save time by creating evergreen marketing videos using the photos and videos of neighborhoods, apartment buildings, and commercial properties in our Getty Images stock library.

Get even more efficient by using our Real Estate Explainer template, allowing you to create beautiful real estate videos with facts and information that show off your industry knowledge.

S - Small business If you’re a small business owner, you know the importance of impactful marketing. Combine some of your favorite brand photos with photos and videos from our stock library that represent your business and other small businesses within your community. We recommend using our Local Business Showcase template.

T - Teamwork Teamwork is a necessity if you want to run a successful business, recruit and retain high-performing employees, and maintain a workplace with high morale. Utilize photos and clips from our stock library depicting teamwork across multiple industries in training and marketing videos for your website and social media channels.


U - United States Military Serving in the armed forces is a tireless and often thankless job. Whether creating a thank you video for your veteran colleagues or offering a special discount to those who have served, our Getty Images stock library has a wide array of photos and videos you can use to create a poignant tribute to the women and men of the U.S. military.

US Military

V - Vacation Vacation makes a huge difference in employees’ moods, morale, and productivity. Send a quarterly video reminding employees to take advantage of their paid time off and use photos and videos from our stock library to highlight all of the beauty that is vacation. Include photos of families on the beach, a group of friends on the ski slopes, and everything in between.

W - Work from home Working from home looks different for everyone, and the photos and videos in our Getty Images stock library depict that. If you create a video sharing WFH best practices, tips, and tricks, you can include photos and clips ranging from a pristine in-home office to a parent working at the kitchen table with a baby on their lap.


X - Xerox Is this term a blast from the blast? Sure. However, it still covers all the bases if you’re looking for photos or images involving copying, faxing, printing, or classic office life. Whether making a video running new employees through office procedures or satirizing stereotypical office culture, this search term will come in handy.

Y - YouTube Starting a YouTube channel or getting ready to launch a new video? Combine your brand photos and images with photos and videos from our stock library, encouraging your followers to like, subscribe, share, and more. Make your preview video with our YouTube Trailer template.

Z - Zoom meeting Get creative with your next Zoom meeting invite. In addition to the meeting description, pique your co-workers' interest with a video. Include shots and videos from our stock library of colleagues working together, brainstorming, and joking around via Zoom.

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