
Top 5 Videos for Small Business

Lauren Colman


Video conveys a message about your business in a way text alone cannot. With the power of showing and telling, video is the world’s most engaging medium.

Top 5 Videos

But what video should you create? Your business is multi-faceted, so why limit yourself to one video? Here are the top five videos to make for your business.

Product/Service Demo Video

Your product will stand out from similar products in the market with a product demo video! Show your audience how it works and how it will benefit them. A video of the product or service in action will not only help people understand how it works but make them more likely to purchase.

Overview Video

These videos are a great way to show off your company’s mission or tell the story behind your business. Be sure to let the viewer know how your company can help them and how you set yourself apart from the competition. Showcase the video on your website or loop it and display it in your trade show booth.

Company Event Video

Promote your event with a video to build excitement and anticipation. After your event, create a video wrap-up. A video can better tell the story by reflecting the event’s atmosphere and energy through images, video clips and music. Share your event video with those who couldn’t make it or for those who don’t want to forget.

Location Tour Video

Are you a real estate agent and want to show off a featured listing? Want to advertise your restaurant’s banquet space? Highlight details of a space by creating a video with clips and photos of the space along with captions and/or text slides for an experience that is both engaging and informative.

Customer Testimonial

A great way to make prospective customers more comfortable with your product or service is to have them experience it through the words of someone like them. Ask your customers about their experience and get their permission to use their testimonial in your video. Bonus: ask them to appear in the video or offer their voice-over for added credibility.

Use the power of video to promote your products and services without the cost, time and effort of traditional professional video production. Start creating one of the top five business videos for your business or brand.