
Stock photos and footage for video editing

Find the perfect shot every time with our library of millions of high-quality stock photos and video clips from Getty Image. Save time and money tracking down stock media with a built-in library right at your fingertips.

Get started free

Search, drag and drop, customize, repeat

Use our stock library as a launching pad for your next project. Select photos or video clips that enhance your overall message, and then customize to fit your video. The best part? You don’t need to spend money on individual images. There are no additional charges to use our library beyond your subscription.

Search our Getty Images stock library

Start a project in Animoto and select the Stock tab from the Media library on the right. Type in your search term to choose from an extensive array of photos, video clips, and illustrations, provided by Getty Images.

Pro Tip

Access even more stock with our Professional Plus plan. Go from 1 million+ to 100 million+ images, videos, and graphics in our Premium library of licensed media from Getty Images.

Move stock assets into your project

Choose stock photos or video clips that match your brand and overall message, then drag-and-drop them into your project to tell your story. Rearrange the order, scale images to resize, or move reposition the framing within your blocks. Be sure to leave room for text to make your video your own—you can even search for “white space” to find photos with a little extra room for text.

Pro Tip

Try using stock footage of people. Studies show that images of humans help viewers relate to your brand. We have plenty of content in our stock library to help you there.

Add text, music, and branding

Transform your stock footage into something uniquely you by adding custom text, colors, and music. Compelling copy will improve your messaging and help audiences engage. Finish it off by adding your logo as a watermark to the corner of your video.

Pro Tip

Try multiple keyword combinations. Refine your search by typing in different adjectives and synonyms for your main keywords. Add descriptors for mood, color, or even time of day to find what you want for your video.

See what you can create with millions of licensed stock photos and videos

Make more videos in less time for less money. Get unlimited access to our Select library of 1 million+ photos and videos with our Professional plan, and to our Premium library of 100 million+ with our Pro+ plan. Video

Why Animoto's stock library makes video creation so easy

Save time and money

Buying individual stock images and video clips can be time consuming and expensive. With Animoto, you have high-quality Getty Images stock at your fingertips as part of your subscription.

Professional photos and footage

Our stock library’s high-quality HD stock footage and images are dazzling, entertaining, and fully adaptable for your brand. People will think you spent thousands of dollars on a photoshoot.

No media? no problem.

Using stock speeds up your video creation process. You don’t have to spend hours capturing and editing your own photos and video clips—everything you need is already in Animoto.

Feel confident with video

We’re on your team around the clock to guide you through your next project

Great videos start here

  • No experience needed
  • Hundreds of professional templates
  • Unlimited video creation

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