
Photography Marketing Video Bootcamp Challenge #3: Make an ad.

Moira West


Our video bootcamp has been about giving you the tools you need to create marketing videos that’ll give your business results — from video business cards to wow on your business page to video hooks that’ll improve almost any video you could make. But if you’re searching for new clients, there’s one more type of video to try.

The Challenge: Make an ad.

Everyone’s on social media — including you! So if you’re looking to bring in new clients, a video social media ad or boosted post can help you reach them.

Challenge Tips

Even if you’ve never created a social media ad before, you’ve already got most of the tools you need to succeed, thanks our previous challenges. And with these tips, you’ll be on your way to creating a video ad for your photography business that stands out on social media.

Have a strong hook

It’s important to grab your audience’s attention right away. Take a look at our tips from Challenge #2 to give you some ideas for creating a strong hook for your video.

Tell a story

Give your video a clear and engaging narrative, and don’t be too pushy or “salesy” — instead focus on drawing viewers in by telling them a story and evoking emotion.

Spend to expand your audience

No matter how good your business’s Facebook or Instagram page is, there’s probably a limit to its reach. Consider investing in a boosted post or a targeted ad to reach new customers. You can check out our case studies featuring Teri Fode and Nikki Closser (featured below) for inspiration.

Have a clear call to action

Once you’ve inspired your audience with your video, it’s a good idea to give them some direction. Tell them what action you’d like them to take after your video’s over, and make sure to include the information they’ll need to take that action. For example, a good call to action might be, “Book now,” with your website written underneath it.

Keep it short

Though longer videos can get views when posted on your Facebook page, if you’re creating a Facebook or Instagram ad, you’ll have less time before your audience moves on (especially if they’re viewing on mobile). Work on cutting your content down to 20-45 seconds, and you’ll be able to make your point before viewers scroll on.

When you’re done with your Challenge #3 video, we’d love to see it! Share it here in the comments or head over to our Animoto for Professional Photographers group on Facebook. Share your video there and get feedback from group members, or just get inspired by what other photographers are creating. Happy video making!