
What Are You Thankful For? Kids Draw Their Answers

Beth Forester


Ah, Thanksgiving. A golden turkey with all the trimmings, fluffy mashed potatoes, and pies up to the sky… but with so much deliciousness to look forward to, it’s all too easy to fast forward through the day and forget the true meaning behind this wonderful holiday: breaking bread, being with family and friends, and expressing gratitude.

So this year, I asked some neighborhood kids to draw what they’re thankful for, and put their drawings together in the video below. Not only are their sweet little faces just so adorable, but their answers really touched me…and also made me laugh!

As you celebrate Thanksgiving with loved ones, I hope you can take a moment to reflect on what you’re thankful for. And if you have little ones, maybe this video will inspire your family to find different ways to express gratitude. Happy (early) Thanksgiving!

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