
Why Shorter Videos Are Better for Marketing Photography

Moira West


When you’re marketing to new clients, you have a limited window in which to catch their attention. According to a survey by Animoto, if you want to get most of your audience to watch your whole video, under a minute is ideal. Once you go beyond that, you start to lose your audience. In fact, research by Wistia found that 50% more viewers completed 1 minute videos than those that were 2 minutes long.

In general, effective video marketing is short and sweet, with the most important information up front. When you’re marketing photography, a striking photo would be a good place to start. Then make sure your video is engaging and shows your best work without running too long. You can end with a logo to make sure viewers know who you are and add a call-to-action button to give them a way to get in touch.

To give you some inspiration, we’ve selected a few examples of our favorite short photography videos.

Travel Photographer Sally Sargood gives you New York City in 60 seconds:

Portrait photographer Felix Kunze only needed 30 seconds to create his thoughtful video business card:

Challenge yourself to make your next marketing video hit that one minute sweet spot. Then add in your logo, post to social media, and find out how effective a shorter video can be.