
Increase Sales: Add a Video Slideshow to Your Photo Packages

Moira West


Kitti McMeel has only been a photographer for a little more than a year, but what a year! In just six months she went from opening her photography business to bringing in a profit — and she earns that profit on just one shoot per week. Check out her story in the following video, created by Sue Bryce.

Style: Documentary

How does she do it? While she picked up a number of tips and tricks that helped her bring in enough to afford the rent on her L.A. studio, the bottom line is that Kitti’s clients buy, and when they buy, it’s usually one of her top two packages. We asked her to share how she’s able to upsell her clients without pressuring them to purchase. Here’s what she had to say:

Differentiate your packages

Kitti told us, “It occurred to me when I was setting up my pricing that I needed to differentiate the packages in some way. More than just getting more images.” So when Kitti’s clients move up to her medium package, not only do they also get their images packaged in an elaborate keepsake box, but they also get a behind-the-scenes video of their shoot. They see the video as part of the reveal session, and more often than not, they want the video badly enough to move up to the middle package.

Style: Grace

The videos are just a quick part of Kitti’s workflow. “I have a sort of pattern that I use — I know what I want to shoot and what I want to put in the video, and it takes me 15 minutes to do it.” But even though it doesn’t take Kitti long, it’s had a huge impact on her sales. The first time she earned more than $6000 in a month was when she started adding video to her sales session. Kitti shared, “These days a large majority of my clients are saying to me, ‘so how many do I need to buy to get the video?’”

How are you using video slideshows in your photography business? Let us know in the comments below or reach out on Facebook or Twitter by tagging @Animoto.