
7 Ways to Make Photo-a-Day and Video-a-Day Projects Easier this Year

Moira West


Starting a 365 project that means taking a photo or video clip every day for a year can seem a little daunting at first. But we’ve got some easy-to-follow tips that’ll help keep you motivated, your project organized, and make it a snap to share throughout the year. Take a look:

7 Ways to Make Photo-a-Day and Video-a-Day Projects Easier this Year
  1. Set reminders. When you’re first getting started, post a calendar reminder on your phone (or on your paper calendar) to take a photo or shoot a video clip. It’ll keep you on track at the beginning on your project, before taking out your camera at least once a day becomes a habit.

  2. Set a theme for your project. Many photo- or video-a-day fans find setting rules for a project can make it easier to stick to. If you think you might want a theme for your 365 project, take a look at our list of ideas to help you find your focus.

  3. Create a monthly video to share your project’s progress. A short video at the end of each month can help you share your project with friends and family, and help keep you motivated by showing you how much you’ve accomplished. Just add your photo or video clip to your monthly video at the end of each day and then produce it at the end of the month.

  4. Have a list of backup photo ideas. Some days you may not feel as inspired, so have a list of things you’d like to shoot (a meal together, the kids in the bath, your garden — whatever everyday moments you love) just in case you have a day when you’re out of ideas.

  5. Be okay with not perfect. Not every photo you take will be a masterpiece, and that’s okay! Sometimes even imperfect shots will capture your life in an authentic, meaningful way. Besides, there’s always another moment coming your way tomorrow.

  6. Use any camera you’ve got. Though you may want to focus on developing your DSLR camera skills, if you find a moment that just needs to be captured, don’t wait! Use your phone, a point and shoot, or anything at all to get the image you want.

  7. Have a community to share with. Like many long-term goals, you’ll go further in your 365 project if you have support. Join a photo-a-day group, or share your monthly video recaps with us on social. Use the hashtag #madewithanimoto so we can see it.

How are you making your 365 project easier this year? Let us know in the comments below.