Graduation day is almost here! If you’re looking to create a slideshow or video greeting to celebrate a high school graduate, college graduate, or even a little one saying goodbye to preschool, it can be tricky to find a tune that matches the importance and the excitement of earning a diploma.

We put together a list of the best songs for graduation slideshows to evoke emotions as your grad walks out in their cap and gown. And they’re all licensed!
Check out a sample of each in the video below, then select a free graduation slideshow template, search for the track names or artists in our music library, and add them to your personalized graduation video.
The best songs for graduation slideshows

“All In” by Jason Pfaff
“Once” by Michael Maina
“The Best Day of Your Life” by AntiProduct
“Can We Stay” (Heavy Hands remix) by the Woodlands
“You Lift Me Up” (Hot AC Remix) by Mikey Wax
“Right On” by Pink Shark
Get started on a personalized graduation slideshow video (for free!)
It’s time to congratulate your grad! With our free video templates you can create a video to celebrate and look back on all they've accomplished–from preschool all the way through college. And if you’re not sure exactly what to say, use these famous, funny, and heartfelt graduation quotes.
Happy video making!