
A “Tail” To Tell: Using Video To Tell Your Pet’s Story

Brett Petersel


We love our pets. From fish to dogs, and cats to horses, we shower them with gifts, toys and love, and they put smiles on our faces. Whether it’s a morning snuggle with the family dog or adding new plants and statues to the aquarium for the fish to swim around, we make sure to capture these moments so that we can share them with others. With easy access to our smartphones, the ability to catch these moments as photos or videos is instant.

Check out this video I made about my dog, Slim, and his crazy adventures. (Oh, and by “crazy adventures”, I mean sleeping and even more sleeping).

If you own a pet, your smartphone is most likely filled with a number of photos and videos of your pets doing certain things. While we’re accustomed to simply creating a photo album on Facebook or other social networks, where we have to click and upload hundreds of photos, creating a video with those photos isn’t hard at all.

So why make a video? While it may be easy to send your family and friends to a website and have them sift through an assortment of photos, how about selecting specific photos that showcase your pet’s growth throughout the years or a video that highlights the times they were the center of attention? You can also add text and music the video, like providing a funny quote to go along with a photo of your dog chewing on his bone.

Pets play an important role in your life. They’re with you through the good and bad, and are by your side when you get your first job. But at the end of the day, they’re eagerly awaiting for you to come home and play. And that’s priceless.

Interested in creating a video for your pets? Find out how it works and sign up here. When you’re finished creating your video, share it with us in the comments.