
Social Video Bootcamp Challenge #4: Hype it up.

Megan O'Neill


Three challenges down (Challenge #1, Challenge #2, Challenge #3), two to go! This week’s challenge is all about using video on Facebook to promote things off of Facebook. As usual, check out Jason’s video to learn more about the third challenge and then read on for more info and tips.

The Challenge: Hype it up.

Our first three challenges have focused on engaging your audience on Facebook. But video can also be a great way to drive traffic to content on other websites — and this week we challenge you to do just that! Create a square video to promote and send people to your website, a product page, an event page, a piece of content on your blog, or anything else you want to share!

Challenge Tips

Tip 1: Keep it short

Think about a movie trailer — it’s a short clip featuring just enough of the movie it’s promoting in order to entice you to want to see more. Your content teaser should be the same. Keep it short and share just enough information to hook people and entice them to click to learn more. A good way to do this is by sharing surprising statistics or leaving unanswered questions (that will, of course, be answered wherever you’re sending viewers).

Tip 2: Include a call to action

In this type of video, it’s especially important to include a call to action to let viewers know where to learn more. You can include the call to action in the video itself (check out our tips on 3 ways to include a call to action in your video), and you can – and should – include the call to action and a link in the description you post along with your video.

Tip 3: Check out the “Content Teaser” storyboard

If you need a little help getting started, give the “Content Teaser” storyboard a try. You can drag and drop your own photos and video clips and change the text to tell a story relevant to the specific content you’re promoting. Check out our blog post on how to use the pre-built storyboards in our Marketing Video Builder.

Animoto square storyboards

When your Challenge #4 video is done, we’d love to see it! Share it with us in the Animoto Social Video Marketing Community on Facebook, or just join to get inspired by the videos your fellow bootcampers are making!