
5 Female Entrepreneurs Share Inspiration on International Women’s Day

Moira West


In honor of International Women’s Day, we went out and interviewed a few of our favorite business women who are rocking their respective fields. Take a look at what they do to stay inspired.

Carrie Green

Founder of Female Entrepreneur Association

“It’s about taking a step back and actually thinking about the life you want to live, the things you want to achieve. When we do that and we get really clear on what we want our lives to be like, we can all create so much success, every single one of us.”

“You know we might be busy, we might be juggling a million and one different things, we might be raising children, sorting out our homes, but we can still dream big and we can still achieve the most incredibly successful things.”

“Times have changed so much. We now have so many opportunities at our fingertips, and every one of us needs to tap into those opportunities. We need to dream big and just go for it.”

Ali Handal

Co-Founder of Triple Scoop Music, Musician

“You get what you settle for and following your passions, whether it’s building a business or you’re a creative artist — it’s never easy, and to me nothing worth doing is easy.”

“You just gotta keep on keepin’ on… there’s a reason people say it — you can’t give up.”

Kim Coles

Comedian, Author, Actress, Speaker, and Supermodel

“What if what’s inside you is meant to change the world? And we think of changing the world in big, huge terms, but the truth is we can make small, powerful, positive changes every day.”

“Live your dreams; live your dreams out loud.”

Sue Bryce

Photographer, Educator, Founder of Sue Bryce Education

“When I built my brand, I learned two huge lessons. The first one was, I didn’t need to prove anything to anybody — I just needed to prove that I could do it. And, have you ever thought that you could actually take something that you perceive as your greatest weakness and turn it into your greatest strength?”

Mari Smith

Speaker, Educator, Facebook Expert

“I like to joke I’m an overnight success 10 years in the making. I came to this country, United States, from Scotland in 1999 with 50 British pounds, two suitcases, and I just knew one person in this country, and I’m so so grateful to all the men and women who helped me to really realize my dreams. It takes a village.”

“Right now is the time to stand up, to lean in, to collaborate, and let our lights shine brilliantly.”

How are you letting your light shine brilliantly? Show us in our Facebook group, the Animoto Social Video Marketing Community. Join us and show us how you’re dreaming big.