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New Templates! Celebrate Family, Retirement, and Yourself

Megan O'Neill


If you’ve taken a scroll through the video templates on lately, you may have noticed that we’ve got some new ones in town. We’ve added a collection of new video templates for celebrating life! Specifically, we’ve added templates for family reunions, retirement parties, and for celebrating what makes you unique.


Check out each of the new templates below. Along with each template, we’ve included some tips from our in-house video producers, Irina Dvalidze and Carly Piersol, to help you get the most out of them.

Family Reunion Recap

There’s nothing like family! Which is why we created a Family Reunion Recap template to help you relive the memories of a recent family event. This template is designed to make it easy to put together a collection of family photos. Just drop in photos and video clips from your own family celebration, update the text to tell your family story, and you’re ready to share! Post your video to Facebook or in a group email to share the fun with all your family and friends.

Template Tips

To help you get the most out of this template, we’ve rounded up a few tips. We’ve included some tips for capturing photos from your family event, as well as tips for using the Family Reunion Recap template itself.

  • Capture a variety of photos. Group photos are a must for family events, but there are lots of other types of photos that can help you tell the story of your event. Grab photos of details like special decorations or food, candid shots, or images that highlight your location.
  • Use template text to guide your story. We’ve set up this template to make it easy for you to customize. Start with your event name, date, and location. Then, explain why you held the event. Showcase a few memorable things that happened, and then end on a call to celebrate again in the future! You may notice that this template has text legibility turned on to help text stand out over busy photos.
  • Use big, bold text. This’ll make it easy to read the text in your video no matter where your family is viewing it—on their computer, mobile device, or in the Facebook feed.
  • Use a mix of landscape and vertical photos. This tip applies to all of these templates. Our team has included a mix of single Photo blocks, collage blocks, and split screens to make room for both types of photos.

Retirement Celebration

Planning a celebration for a friend or coworker that’s retiring? Celebrate their career with a video. Compile photos and video clips that showcase the highlights of their career. Screen your video at an in-person party or event, share it to social media, or include it in a company-wide email.

Template Tips

Ready to dive in and start using this template? Here are some tips to get you started on the right foot. Span your retiree’s full career. Gather all the old photos that you can. Reach out to family members, old coworkers, and current coworkers to tell a more complete story.

  • Use stock imagery. If you don’t have photos to showcase the full story, feel free to use photos and video clips from our Getty Images. In our template, we’ve used several stock photos, such as the beach chairs, to help tell the story.
  • Add a personal touch. In addition to including work-related photos and information, include something about their hobbies or family.
  • Talk to coworkers. Reach out to coworkers, existing and past, to gather quotes and find out what you should highlight in your video.


This template is designed to help you celebrate yourself! Introduce yourself to your audience on your Facebook page, your website, or YouTube. Share a few fun facts to help friends, clients, or classmates get to know you better. And, if you’re looking to network, include a call to work together or to get in touch!

Template Tips

Here are a few quick tips to help you get the most out of our Self-Introduction template.

  • Include your reason for being. This template is designed to bring a personal touch to your relationship with your audience. It starts out with fun details about your life, but leads up to the big message your want to get across—your reason for being here. In our template, it’s a passion for people. What’s your passion?
  • Keep colors consistent. This template uses bright colors, but maintains consistency with the way they are combined. The same colors are always used for text, highlight, and background. This consistency will help viewers focus on your message.
  • Feel free to add more blocks! If you’ve got more fun facts to share, add more blocks! If you do, we suggest alternating between split screens and solid photos or video clips to avoid repetition.

To find more templates, head over to view our full template collection. Also, make sure to join our Animoto Social Video Marketing Community and let us know which template is your favorite. Happy video making!