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New! 28 Fonts Available in all Marketing Video Builder Styles

Moira West


When you’re adding text to a marketing video, you want a font that feels on-brand for your business. So to give you even more ways to customize your video’s look, we’ve made sure you can access all of our fonts across all of our Marketing Video Builder styles — 28 different fonts in all. This will ensure that your favorite font will stay with you, even if you switch styles.

New! 28 Fonts Available in all Marketing Video Builder Styles

To change your font, select “Design” on the left-hand side of your screen. Along with color options, you’ll see 6 suggested fonts, chosen by our design team to work well with that particular marketing video style. Below those 6, you’ll see an additional 22 fonts available if you want more choices. Select your favorite, and it’ll be applied to your video.

You can go even further with your project, adjusting the size, color, or position of your text. Or just get started experimenting with our new font options by starting a new video today.