Video Tips

Facebook Video Templates to Customize for Your Feed

Moira West


Facebook is the #1 platform that consumers use to keep connected with brands online, according to our annual survey. And those same consumers reported that video is the #1 way they find new brands on social.

20191218 Blog FB Video Templates

But if you haven’t had time to fit Facebook video marketing into your schedule, we’ve got a shortcut. Take a look at a few of Animoto’s Facebook video templates and find out how you can customize them quickly and easily to fit your brand.

10 Facebook video template examples

Though Animoto features dozens of video templates designed for Facebook, any of our templates can be customized to fit your brand. Here are a few of our favorites to get you started.

About us

Explain what makes your business special. How are you different from the competition and what makes your products or services stand out? This type of video is a good choice for a featured video on your Facebook page.


Grab viewers’ interest with an intriguing question. Then follow up with a rundown of a trend in your industry or a topic that’ll draw your audience in. When you post a video like this in your feed, you show off your experience in the industry, and offer a video that’s fun and worth sharing.

Tabletop recipe

Recipe and craft videos are still hugely popular on Facebook. Share your favorite recipe with eye-catching text and bright colors, using the template. Never made a recipe video before? Check out our posts on how to create a recipe video and on how to get those iconic overhead shots.

Company values

Talk about how your brand adds value for your customer. Think about including an interesting statistic to hook your audience. Then explore how you’re meeting your customers’ needs. This type of video works well as either an ad or a featured video on your Facebook page.

Behind the scenes

Give your audience a glimpse behind the curtain. Show the work that goes into what you do and how that work helps you give customers the best possible experience.

Before-and-after testimonial

Demonstrate the powerful effects of your products or services with a before-and-after video. Share photos or video clips showing how your brand transformed customers, then add in online reviews to boost your credibility.

Fundraising video

Show what your organization does and why it needs help. Combine uplifting music with images that’ll tug at the heartstrings and get your audience to donate.

Travel story

Take your audience on a journey while they scroll through their News Feed. Focus on one location and what makes it extraordinary. Then add your images along with easy-to-read text describing its special features.

Inspirational social ad

Speak straight to your target customer and share the biggest benefit they can get from your product or service. Look for ways to connect with viewers’ emotions, either through your words or your images.

Step-based tutorial

Provide step-by-step instructions for a product or teach a new skill using bold text and just a few photos.

How to customize your Facebook video template

When you find the right template for your project, you can personalize it. Take a look at some of the ways you can make our Facebook templates your own. To see how it works, check out the video we customized using the Recipe How-To template.

Drag and drop photos into your Facebook template

You can upload your own photos and video clips right into Animoto. Then drag and drop your images right into your video. You can also switch the order in which images appear, add more images, or delete any part of the video.

Add stock images to your Facebook video

As part of your Animoto account, you get access to our Getty Images library of stock. Search under the Media tab to find over a million high-quality stock images and video clips.

Personalize with your brand colors and logo

Animoto lets you select any colors you like for your video. Choose your brand colors or your favorite color palette to create the look you want. You can also upload your logo at the end of your video or add it as a watermark in the corner of your video.

Change your video’s text

Adjust text to fit your video’s message or delete what you don’t need. You can also pick your font, text color, size, and position to further customize your video.

Pick a song

Choose one of Animoto’s commercially licensed songs, included as part of your account. You can select songs by genre, use case, mood, and more. When you find a song you like, you can trim the start or end time or raise or lower the song’s volume. You can also upload your own licensed music right in Animoto.

If you need more inspiration for your next Facebook video, visit @Animoto on Facebook for tutorials and video inspiration or join The Animoto Social Video Marketing Community to find ideas and get input from our online community.