
How Tamara Lackey is Using Video for a Good Cause

Moira West


In the country of Ethiopia, there’s a city called Korah, located on top of a garbage dump. Originally a leper colony, it now houses 140,000 people, many of whom scavenge through the trash to find items to sell and food to eat. In that city are many orphans with no one to provide for them.

Beautiful Together

Well, almost no one. An organization called Life to Live for Korah struggles to provide food and medical supplies for some of the orphans in their city. And recently, renowned photographer Tamara Lackey and her charity, Beautiful Together, agreed to work with them, raising funds to keep feeding the children who might otherwise go without.

Tamara created the above video to spread awareness of Beautiful Together’s important work. Her slideshow uses vivid images to portray the poverty rampant in Korah and show how a little food can bring smiles to faces of the children there.

To learn more about the Korah mission or to make a donation, visit the Beautiful Together webpage.

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