If you’re looking to add edtech to your classroom, deciding how to incorporate it can be a challenge. That’s why we’ve compiled the lesson plans and lesson ideas we’ve written to help you get started.

Digital Scavenger Hunt
Digital Scavenger Hunt — This lesson plan works for almost any grade level or subject. This scavenger hunt will include taking photos of your finds. To display and share them through an exciting and fun video, try out the Educational Presentation template! Learn more about how to send students on a scavenger hunt that uses video to assess learning.
Video autobiography or biography
Video autobiography or biography — Try this lesson plan in history, language arts literacy, or even math, science or arts classes to let students learn how to structure a story using technology. The Self-Introduction is a great way for students to share all that they've learned about an important figure in history or even share a bit about themselves.
Defining vocabulary with video
Defining vocabulary with video — Create a vocabulary assignment that addresses the needs of all learners, using text, images, and music to create a word definition. The Vocabulary Lesson template is a great example of how you can illustrate new vocabulary words using text and video clips side by side.
Videos for the start of the school year
Videos for the start of the school year — No matter what you teach, the first day of school is all about describing your expectations for the year. The Back to School Greeting] template is a great way to share who you are, what class rules are, and what parents can expect, and more. Share it ahead of time on your class webpage or show it in class to get students up to speed.
Book trailer
Book trailer — Rather than assigning a book report, have students create a video advertisement for a book they enjoyed. Learn how students can create trailers using our Book Trailer template and how you can use those trailers to encourage literacy in the classroom.
Lessons in gratitude
Lessons in gratitude — With several ideas for lessons in thankfulness, this post also features ways to incorporate video into your Thanksgiving lesson planning. Have students customize our Thank You Card template and fill it with things they are grateful for.
What the Pilgrims ate
What the Pilgrims ate at the first Thanksgiving - Make Thanksgiving week a little easier. Download our video on the menu from the first Thanksgiving, and then check out our lesson plan activities, assessments, and links to primary sources to extend the lesson even further. Or, create your own video using the Educational Presentation and fill it with all the foods shared on Thanksgiving day.
Once you’ve developed your video lesson plan, check out our post on creating a rubric for videos to cut the work out of assessment. Or, if you’ve got a great idea of your own for a lesson that uses video, share your videos with us on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram using the hashtag #MadeWithAnimoto.