Teachers, you have so much information to share at the start of the school year, that it can be a little overwhelming — both for you and for your students. To help you out, we’ve put together a list of five videos that’ll tell students what they need to know and keep them engaged, even when they’ve already heard a bunch of first-day-of-class speeches from other teachers. Take a look:
1. First day of school video
Parents can be even more nervous than their children on the first day of school, but a quick video showing how the day went can help put their minds at ease. Post your Back to School Greeting on your class site, so parents can log in and see their children working on first-day projects. You’ll foster a connection with parents by letting them know that you’re committed to including them in their children’s education. As a bonus, your students will probably be delighted to see themselves on video.
2. Class rules
This can be a short and sweet rundown of your class rules like in the video below, or you can make it more interactive. If you have a class where you agree on rules together, then let students help come up with illustrations for each rule or use our Getty Images library to find pictures of the right way to behave—for example, a picture of students raising their hands to ask a question. The Assignment Instructions template is a great place to start.
3. Supplies Checklist
Make sure your students are prepared from day one by providing them with a supplies checklist! Include any materials they or their parents will need to purchase or bring with them. Add photos and even links to your School Supplies Checklist video to make sure they have no trouble finding exactly what they need.
Have a back to school sale you want to promote? Use this template!
4. Class Description
A paper syllabus can get lost, but a video can live on your class website and serve as a reference for students throughout the year. So create a video explaining to students what they’ll be doing in class, what books and materials they’ll be using, and the grading system. You can even help students hit the ground running by sharing a School Syllabus video ahead of time.
5. Teacher Introduction
This isn’t the first time we’ve talked about teacher introductions, but that’s because they can be important tools in making new students feel comfortable in your classroom. These videos can also help students find out a little bit about you, your background, and your teaching style, so they have a sense of who they’ll be spending their days with. For example, Cristiane Oliveira-Foster of Santa Ana College’s Department of Child Development and Education Studies used her video to introduce her family and hobbies to her new students as well as her teaching background.

Get started
Video is a powerful way to focus students’ attention on what you need them to know for the coming year. Post your videos on your class webpage, and they’ll be references for the rest of the year — ones that can’t get lost at the bottom of a backpack.
Already have a great video that you share with students at the start of the year? We’d love to see it! Use the hashtag #MadeWithAnimoto or tag us @Animoto for your chance to be featured.