Video Marketing

Video Marketing for Summer Camps



Camp directors, you know that word-of-mouth and click-of-mouse marketing are essential to your marketing efforts.

But did you know you can engage new and old campers at the same time, with just a few photos and a few minutes?  Whether you’re a non-profit, sports or theater camp, day camp, or anything in between, video will add a new dimension to your online presence and increase camper satisfaction.

football camp

Why use video?

The real question is, “Why not?”  Video is…

  • easy to share
  • customizable
  • engaging (campers will love to catch glimpses of themselves!)
  • takes minutes to make
  • anyone can learn to do it–no video editing experience required!

3 Ways Camps Can Use Video

Slideshow Finale

If your camp has multiple sessions, consider making a slideshow for the end of each session, with photos and video clips of those campers having a blast. Encourage kids and counselors to submit their own photos, and include them in the slideshow, too.  Air the video on the final day, and email the video link to parents’ email addresses.

Camper Activity

Let campers get in on the fun by offering video-making as an activity.  Encourage campers to take photos and video clips, and help them create a themed video.  They’ll learn about creativity and working together.


Let’s face it, staff training can be a little tedious.  Inspire and excite counselors with a video of memorable moments from past summers, and remind them what an impact they’ll make on their campers in the weeks to come!

Video is also great for camper orientation.  Kick off the session with a video that shows the fun and games campers have in store for them.

Don’t forget: the Call-to-Action button

With a business membership, you have access to the Call-to-Action feature.  This button tells your viewers where they should go next.  For an informational video on your website, the Call-to-Action might point to a sign-up page. For a video you’ll send home to parents, link the button to a gallery of more photos from the camper’s session, or to a newsletter.  But if this sound complicated, don’t worry–we have a comprehensive Call-to-Action guide.

What are you waiting for?  See what a truly happy camper looks like, and make your first video now!