Video Ideas

Building Your Employer Brand: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Company Culture Videos

Eliza Talvola


Your unique company culture is one of your company’s most valuable assets. So when it comes time to fill open roles and entice candidates, don’t leave your culture to a few measly pictures of the break room ping-pong table. Create a video!

Building Your Employer Brand A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Company Culture Videos

When looking for a job, 88% of people say a healthy company culture is vital for success, and 86% avoid companies with a bad reputation. With company culture videos, you can create transform listings into immersive experiences that job seekers are drawn to. About 35% more job seekers, actually!

Animoto is here to help you strengthen your recruiting strategy with the power of video. Keep reading to learn how you can create company culture videos that authentically and effectively showcase your unique company culture.

Want to learn how to use video to strengthen your company culture? Check out this blog!

What are company culture videos?

Just like no two company cultures look quite the same, no two corporate culture videos are the same.

Ultimately, the goal of a company culture video is to showcase and communicate your company’s values, atmosphere, and working environment. They should give prospective employees, clients, and other stakeholders an understanding of what it's like to be part of the organization, and entice them to come on board. These videos often highlight key aspects such as:

  • Work environment
  • Team dynamics
  • Values and mission
  • Employee testimonials
  • Events and activities
  • Employee benefits
  • Leadership messages

Why use company culture videos?

Today, job seekers are flooded with opportunities. This makes it harder for your job listing to stand out, and harder for them to know which company is their best fit. Simply copying and pasting your company slogan isn’t enough to get candidates on board. So engage them beyond words!

With company culture videos, you can:

  • Improve employer branding and awareness in your industry
  • Increase engagement, views, and shares by as much as 20 times
  • Boost application rates by 35% more
  • Increase brand authenticity, transparency, and trust
  • Reduce risk of misrepresentation and misaligned expectations for a better cultural fit

The best company culture video examples with templates

There’s more than one way to make a company culture video! For each video, the content should be tailored to your role, your audience, and their location in the hiring funnel. Here are some company culture video examples and templates to get you started.

The video below appeals to job seekers throughout the funnel, and it can easily be shared on your job listing, hiring page, or social media. This video was made with all our best practices in mind. It includes the company’s core vision, a testimonial, and a brief overview of their benefits to give a holistic view of the organization.

This next video leads with details about an open role to spark curiosity. Then, as your potential employees watch, they'll learn more and more about your company culture and where they fit in. Take this template to the next level by incorporating elements of your workplace. Add fun photos of your team, share your company values, and give a brief tour of your office to bring your audience further down the hiring funnel.

If your company truly lives out their mission and vision every day, make sure job seekers connect with this vision too! This video was originally created for an onboarding session but with a few small tweaks, you can use this video as a marketing tool for your employer brand. In it, you can share the things that drive your business and employees forward. Then, let your employees speak for themselves and share the gratification they get from working here and striving towards your mission.

Best practices for company culture videos

With a corporate culture video, you can engage prospective hires and stakeholders at every touchpoint. From the initial job listing, to your hiring page, application experience, and even onboarding, you can use video to bring your workplace to life.

Ditch the stock footage and stiff messaging. Here's how you can craft a video that shows your authenticity, resonates with your ideal hire, and makes them excited to hit that "Apply Now" button. With these simple tips, you will target the right audience, shine a spotlight on standout employees, exemplify your core values, and strike the perfect balance between professionalism and personality.

  • Define your target audience and tailor your content accordingly. You can do this by featuring quotes from different departments, introducing new managers, and showcasing different areas of the office.
  • Share the unique benefits you offer to all new hires like wellness perks, at-home office equipment, flexible hours, a 401K match, and more.
  • Use footage from past company events to show the fun side of your culture.
  • Focus on authenticity by showcasing real employees and their experiences. Ask them to share their testimonial on camera or simply copy and paste their written testimonial alongside their picture.
  • Highlight your company's core values and how they are lived out in everyday work.
  • Balance professionalism with a genuine and engaging tone. Lean into humor and the quirks of your workforce.
  • Apply your brand colors and logo to make your brand come to life.
  • Include a CTA to direct viewers to explore open roles and start their application.
  • Use high-quality photos, videos, and music.
  • Optimize your video’s metadata with relevant keywords for online search and discoverability.

How to create a company culture video in Animoto

Creating a company culture video doesn't have to take days or weeks. Using the media and stories you already have on hand, you can create a professional video in minutes. Here's how to get started.

1. Choose a template

You don’t have to start at square one! Get a head start on your company culture video by using a pre-made template. This is the one we customized to create the example video at the top.

Have something else in mind? Browse our full template library or create a video from scratch.

2. Upload your media

Next, make the template your own by replacing the stock pictures with images from your own library. Just upload the video clips and photos you’d like to add, then drag and drop them into your template. If you’re short on media, you can pull from our extensive stock library.

3. Add your story

Now comes the fun part! Think about the story you want your video to tell. Is it more about your mission, employee accomplishments, work environment, benefits, or all of the above? Write a script to spell it all out. Once you have your story, share it through text, webcam recordings, voice-overs, testimonials, and more.

Webcam recordings are ideal because they allow you to stand out, speak directly to your audience, and form a personal connection from the very beginning. Not comfortable speaking on camera? Here are some tips to get you started.

4. Apply your brand (and save it for future videos)

Make sure your employer brand is recognized from the first second of your video by applying your brand. You can use your custom brand font, colors, and logo to truly make your video your own. You can even create a saved brand and saved template so that you and your team can start creating with your brand, message, and media ready to use in your next video.

5. Add music

Keep the energy up and add a professional touch to your corporate culture video by adding a song! Our music library has hundreds of songs to match any mood. Sort by genre, mood, or tempo to find the one that best reflects your unique culture.

6. Share

Last but not least, it’s time to share! Company culture videos can be shared directly on Linkedin, Facebook, and Instagram to promote your open roles. Or, embed them into your job listing or hiring page to bring it all home.

And that’s it! You can now bring your company culture to life beyond the walls of your office. Get started for free and bring the power of video to your organization.