See how video drove $10,000+ in new bookings for this adventure company.
The Goal

Driving bookings

Summer is a popular time for skydiving. WV Skydivers, a fun-driven, family-friendly, laid-back skydiving drop zone that caters to both experienced and first-time jumpers, wanted to maximize bookings at the end of the season. They decided to experiment with a video ad on Facebook.

The Solution

Creating a targeted ad with existing content

WV Skydivers has a lot of existing visual content, since they shoot video of jumpers as part of their skydiving experience. To get started right away with creating video ads, they repurposed this content to quickly cut together a series of short ads, using Animoto. They placed the video ads using Facebook Ads Manager, targeting an audience of people within 50 miles of their business.

Running Animoto videos as Facebook ads made a huge difference in bookings. We are very excited about being able to reach new customers with videos that grab attention and drive sales.
Ellen Weed,

Social Media and Video Content Manager

The Results

Grabbing attention and driving sales

WV Skydivers created two versions of their ad for an A/B test — one that began with a video clip with text on it and one that began with a photo with text on it. The plan was to do a small test (they spent $111.26) and then run the winning ad on a larger budget. However, by the time the A/B test ended they had already booked the entire month of August, so they never had to run the winning variation!

WV Skydivers’ average weekly website visits went from 205 to 1267 during the week the ad was running. But that’s not all. The company attributes 79 calls and 49 bookings to the Animoto video ad. Each scheduled booking is $220, so if each booked customer makes their jump, the company will generate $10,780 in revenue. Additionally, many jumpers sign up to purchase add-on video packages when they arrive on-site, further increasing the return on investment from the marketing video.

Key takeaways

Target locally
Grab attention on social media
Repurpose existing content

Make your own video in minutes

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