See how Visor’s marketing team took video creation into their own hands to humanize their brand and support their users.
The goal

Showcase the product and build trust in the brand

Meet Alexis Todd-Dinac, Product Marketing Manager at Visor, a collaborative workspace tool that helps Product and Project Managers save time and visualize the project plans they have in apps like Jira. Alexis and the team saw a need to overhaul and enhance their online presence, including their website, knowledge base, and blog.

A key component of their mission was to incorporate video throughout these platforms, aiming to establish a stronger connection with customers, help users achieve their goals, and differentiate themselves in search engine results. Alexis explains, “We’re a Product-Led Growth company — our prospects are finding Visor on their own. When they hit our website we need them to immediately understand our tool and how it will improve their lives. If you’re relying on text to make your first impression, there’s a good chance you’re losing people. When it comes to forming and building connections with customers, video is king.”

The Challenge

So much to share, so little time

Employees across the organization needed the ability to create their own videos quickly, while adhering to brand guidelines. Alexis explains, "I’m responsible for creating videos for our product and blog that will resonate with our users, our Product Success Manager creates the Knowledge Base articles, and our Content Marketing Manager edits our work. None of us are video professionals. We needed a tool that allows each of us to create the videos we need, when we need them, without requiring a whole new skillset."

Visor’s Knowledge Base is an area of responsibility for Alexis, ensuring that when customers have a question, they can easily find the answer without interrupting their workflow.

“There’s so much information that I want to get out there. But brevity is essential. Not everyone has the time or attention span to go through pages and pages of documents or read an FAQ. I can take screenshots of course, but when users can actually see me going through the problem in a video and solving it, it makes it so much easier to process.”

The first time I used Animoto, I understood what I needed to do. I found the template I needed, I dropped in my script, and I recorded my visuals. It was plug and play, and I loved the video I created.
Alexis Todd-Dinac,

Product Marketing Manager

Why Animoto

No learning curve and all the functionality the team needs

“We’re all juggling responsibilities, so our top priorities in a video tool were ease of use, high quality videos, and speed of creation. I like things that are easy. I don’t want to spend hours editing a video. I’ve been there and I’ve hated it. I want to do the core product marketing work that I love and not spend time learning something super complicated.”

Screen & webcam recordings are a fixture of their videos “Trust is one of our company pillars, so being able to record our faces is really important. We want to remind our customers that we’re not a faceless brand. We’re people, too. And It shows up in our numbers. When we include webcam recordings in our videos, we get more viewership.”

And with Saved Brands and Templates, Alexis can create starting points that ensure their product is represented in a consistent way, and their brand standards are adhered to.

“We need consistency across our videos. No matter who at the company is creating a video, our videos have to look uniform and on brand, the fact that we can save our brand colors, font, and video templates for everyone to use is absolutely essential.”

“Animoto saves us a huge amount of time and money vs. hiring an agency. Our team creates videos when they need them, without production bottlenecks. I don’t have to hunt anyone down who isn’t in company to figure out where we’re at, go through multiple rounds of feedback, or take a chance that it comes back looking different than I’m imagining it. I know how I want it to look. Animoto helps me make it happen.”

Key Takeaways

Humanize your brand
Set your whole team up for success
Cater to multiple learning styles

Make your own videos in minutes

Create and share videos for free. Upgrade anytime for more customization.