This local store attracted attention from a large distributor, ABC News, and People Magazine with square video.
The Goal

Boost sales & recognition

Funny Face Bakery (formerly known as Cupcake Market) is a snug, charming bakery in the East Village in NYC, offering a variety of cupcakes, pies, pastries, and cookies. As part of a 2017 goal to build out their social media plan, the Funny Face Bakery team decided to turn to video to help boost sales and spread the word about their unique baked goods.

The Solution

Creating & testing share-worthy videos for Instagram and Facebook

Funny Face Bakery started by creating a company overview, showcasing several of their most eye-catching products. Then, they moved on to create a variety of videos featuring one of their most noteworthy offerings—celebrity face cookies.

In order to get the most out of their video marketing, Funny Face Bakery turned to A/B testing. They created two versions of each video they made, using Animoto—one square and one landscape, and ran ads to find out which format performed best for them. Spoiler alert: square videos outperformed landscape, especially on mobile.

“Consumers expect to be engaged by video now, and Animoto serves it up with ease,” says Josh Silverman, Marketing/Technology Operations Manager for Funny Face Bakery. They were easily able to quickly create multiple versions of their videos to maximize results.

Creating square videos using Animoto was a game changer for me out of the gate. It immediately delivered on conversions and brand awareness; and it's not a chore.
Josh Silverman,

Marketing/Technology Operations Manager

The Results

Sales, press exposure, and engagement

“Animoto is an amazing product, and I’m glad it’s part of my tool kit,” says Josh. “After the results I’ve gotten with my Animoto videos, I’m shifting my marketing focus to creating more videos on the regular, especially on Instagram, where I need to build a bigger following.”

One of the videos Funny Face Bakery created featured celebrity face cookies for Valentine’s Day. They ran the square version on their Instagram, after it won in an A/B test against a landscape version, getting 40% more views. People Magazine picked it up, driving engagement and views for the business.

Additionally, Funny Face Bakery received coverage from Redbook, Star Magazine, ABC News, NY Daily News, POPSUGAR, DKNY, and “The Five” on Fox News. But that’s not all. The awareness that came as a result of the videos, and the press coverage, led to a 3X increase in inquiries through their website, 700% in growth of online orders, month over month, and a 175% increase in average order value, from $26.80 to $42.10 per order.

The Funny Face Bakery Instagram account also got over 400 new followers during the time their video campaigns were running. But that’s not all! Funny Face Bakery also attracted the attention of a large distributor, as a result of the videos. “The most exclusive food delivery network in the country engaged me after seeing my Instagram feed,” says Josh. “Static images alone could never create this kind of opportunity.”

Key takeaways

Choose square videos to optimize for mobile and Instagram
Post quickly to capitalize on current events and trends
Test to make the most of your marketing efforts

Make your own video in minutes

Create and share videos for free. Upgrade anytime for more customization.