See how Facebook video ads helped this real estate brokerage reach its local community.
The Goal

Demonstrating local expertise to the community

Brothers Commercial Brokerage was founded in 1984 as a boutique commercial real estate company, specializing in the sale and leasing of commercial real estate in Monmouth County, New Jersey.

The brokerage wanted to use video to showcase the trust and credibility it's built over the course of 35 years, advertising to reach their local community and share their expertise.

The Solution

Targeting local community with square video on Facebook

With a video featuring owner and founder, Geoffrey Brothers, the brokerage sought to establish a human connection by attaching a face and name to the business. The video ad was created in under an hour, and served as a quick and cost-efficient alternative to outsourcing.

The final square video was under 2 minutes, and paired with the song “Rhythm of the Night,” by Lina Nikol from the Animoto’s commercially licensed music library. Since more than 92% of Facebook users log onto the social network using a mobile device, and square performs significantly better than landscape, this format was key to standing out on social.

With Animoto, Brothers Commercial Real Estate was able to capitalize on the world of video advertising—traditionally reserved for TV advertisers—without breaking the bank. The brokerage narrowly targeted the Monmouth County area with an ad spend of $350. Using Facebook Ads Manager, they identified specific zip codes and surrounding locations they wanted to reach.

Our first video drove engagement, outperforming all our past Facebook marketing endeavors. The turnaround time was extremely efficient, and we didn’t need to hire an entire team to do it.
Geoffrey Brothers,

Founder, President & Broker

The Results

Boost engagement and visibility

The brokerage’s Facebook video ad performed significantly better than the company’s previous marketing efforts. Unlike static images, the short video took off, amassing over 32,963 views, 96% of which came from the local New Jersey and New York area. The video was also shared 18 times, further amplifying reach, and making the video well worth the $350 ad spend.

The increased engagement, paired with the boost in visibility, helped put Brothers Commercial Brokerage on the radar for even more local customers. And thanks to Animoto’s quick turnaround time and low cost, the business is planning to make regular video ads on Facebook a big part of their future marketing strategy.

Key takeaways

Target locally to reach potential clients in the area
Showcase your knowledge by featuring an expert
Use square video to optimize for mobile

Make your own video in minutes

Create and share videos for free. Upgrade anytime for more customization.