Video Marketing

How to Get Quality Leads with Video Lead Generation


generate leads for your business

Video is one of the most powerful tools in the marketing world, especially in 2024.

And if you aren’t using it for lead generation yet, you should be. 83% of video marketers say video helps with lead generation.

There are many benefits of using video in your online lead generation strategy. We will cover them all and give you the essential knowledge for video lead generation.

And as a bonus, we’re going to tell you how to make a lead generation video with Animoto, the fun and straightforward online video editor.

What is video lead generation?

In marketing, lead generation is the process of gathering information from consumers interested in your business, product, or service.

A lead is the contact information for potential customers. For example, if you have an email signup form on your website, you can gather contact information from interested customers to communicate with them about your offerings.

Video lead generation is simply the use of video to generate these leads.

Why is lead generation important?

If you want your business to grow, lead generation is critical. By gathering contact information from interested consumers, you can further market to them and, in turn, grow your conversions.

Consumers who are willing to share information with you, like their email or phone number, are one step closer to making a purchase.

The benefits of using video for lead generation

One of the most important aspects of lead generation is trust. Consumers won’t give their information to just anyone. Video is known to improve trust between consumers and businesses. Trust is a massive benefit of using video for online lead generation.

Video is also a more engaging form of media. 66% of consumers prefer learning about a product or service via video.

With lead generation, you want your viewers to retain information. Viewers report retaining up to 95% of a message after watching a video.

5 types of videos for generating leads

There are many styles of videos that will help you with lead generation. Some may better suit your business than others. Here are our top 5 types:

1. Brand video

A brand video tells a story about who you are and what you do. By telling viewers a story about your brand, they may want to learn more.

Brand videos are also a great way to improve consumer trust, so you can improve the chance of them giving you leads.

2. Video ads

Make an advertisement for your product or service, and capture the interests of your viewers. Once they learn about your offering, get them to share their contact information to learn more.

3. Testimonials

Happy customers are a powerful marketing tool. Using previous customers’ positive experiences and reviews can pique new customers’ curiosity and earn their trust.

4. FAQ videos

Shoppers naturally have many questions when learning about new products or services. FAQ videos are a great place to answer the most popular questions and brag about your fantastic products.

5. Tutorial videos

Teach people about your products, how to use them, and what problem you solve. If you’re offering something consumers need, they’ll be inclined to share information.

5 effective ways to generate leads using video

There are many ways to generate leads with video content, and creativity is key. If you or your marketing team are stuck, here are five effective ways to use video lead generation to get leads.

1. Email gates

If you’re offering valuable content in your videos, consider requiring viewers to share their email to gain access to the media. In exchange for their contact information, they receive education from a subject matter expert.

2. Landing pages

Embed a video on your landing page to add value to your website experience. Visitors can learn more about your brand and products. Embed a contact form nearby and those who engage with your content will become a valuable lead.

3. Share on social

If your business is active on social media, use video to direct social media users to sign-up forms or your website. Reach, exposure, and shareability have virtually no limits on social media, so use this method to appeal to the masses.

4. YouTube end screens

You can insert clickable links to other content or your channel at the end of a YouTube video. Use a call-to-action to encourage viewers to explore your brand. Share a link to your website and your YouTube audience will be one step closer to turning into a lead.

5. In-video contact forms

You can embed lead gen contact forms directly into your video if you want to get fancy. This is an excellent option because it’s instant and direct. You won’t lose potential leads as they navigate your site or channel. But keep in mind these contact forms won’t work on all platforms.

6 tips to generate quality leads with video

Now you know what type of lead generation video to make and what to do with it. But let us give you some tips to make your video lead generation strategy effective.

1. Include a call to action

Viewers of your video need to be told what to do next. Include a call to action in your video, such as “sign up now” or “learn more,” to encourage them to take action. Test a variety of CTAs to find what works best for your business.

2. Be creative

Creativity is essential when attempting to engage viewers. Make your video interesting and entertaining, and viewers will be more likely to watch the entire thing. Once you have their interest, you’ve got them right where you want them!

3. Consider the length

Make sure the length of your video is appropriate for the content and where you share it. For example, a tutorial video on your website can be longer than an advertisement designed for Facebook. Length is always an essential component of video marketing.

4. Don’t ask for too much

Don’t ask your viewers for the world. It will deter them from sharing their information. Keep it simple and ask for an email address or telephone number, in addition to their name.

5. Don’t forget about SEO

You want your video to be discoverable by people who are Googling for your product, right? Make sure you don’t forget about search engine optimization during your video production. Adding a transcript is a great way to improve your video’s SEO.

6. Nurture your leads

And most importantly, once you get your leads, don’t forget to nurture them. Remember, leads are potential customers and there are opportunities to nurture them at every step of their journey.

You can build a personal connection with recently contacted leads by sending personalized follow-up videos like the one below!

How to make a lead generation video with Animoto

If you aren’t a master of video creation, don’t worry. You don’t need any experience to make a lead generation video with Animoto.

Animoto makes it fun to create and edit videos with our easy online video maker. Let’s make a great lead-gen video in just four steps.

1. Pick a template

Animoto’s template library has many options to choose from.

Making a product tutorial? Present how your product works using bold, beautiful color combinations that stand out.

Sharing a testimonial? Use this template to showcase the amazing things your customers have to say.

Telling a story about your brand? Show your customers who you are and why you started this business with this template.

2. Upload your content

Drag and drop your pictures and video clips directly into the video builder. If you need stock content, our built-in stock library has millions of high-quality photos, video clips, and graphics.

3. Record your screen and webcam

Want to show off your product or make a personal connection with your audience? Create a screen recording!

Learn how to start your recordings and add them to your Animoto videos on this blog.

4. Get creative with your edits

Make your video engaging and entertaining by adding music, text, and transitions to your video. Users on a Professional or Professional Plus plan can use the Saved Brands feature to incorporate custom fonts, colors, and logos.

5. Export and download

Once you’ve created the perfect lead generation video, it’s time to share it. You can share your video right from Animoto. Keep in mind that all videos are saved in your account forever.

A video lead generation example to inspire you

Lots of businesses have started using video to generate leads.

This Amazon Prime Video ad is a great example of video lead generation. The video is entertaining and informs viewers about a specific Amazon service. It’s not too long and includes two calls to action at the end, “subscribe” and “watch more”. Finally, it includes a clickable link on the end screen.

Ready to generate some leads?

If you’re trying to scale your business, chances are you’re working to generate leads.

Video marketing has so many benefits and brings clients right to you. Let your online marketing strategy soar with video lead generation.