Video Marketing

How to Boost Posts on LinkedIn to Amplify Your Videos

Madison Fraitag


LinkedIn just launched a new feature to help you grow your network with high-impact posts: boosting. In this post, we’ll discuss everything from what it means to boost a post on LinkedIn, and why you should start boosting your Animoto videos right away. Let’s dive in.

2021-05 LinkedIn-Boosting-to-Amplify-Videos Blog

What is boosting on LinkedIn?

Boosting allows you to expose your business to a wider professional audience with “just a few clicks and a credit card.” LinkedIn boosting turns your content into a paid campaign, targeting users that don’t already follow your company–without having to learn how to use Campaign Manager.

When you boost a post, you can distribute both your time-sensitive and evergreen content to a larger audience in seconds. This way, you can get more views, grow your followers, increase awareness and engagement, expand your website traffic, and see results faster at every stage of the funnel.

Boosting will replace the “Sponsor now” function on LinkedIn, which previously took users to the platform’s Campaign Manager. Now, when you click “Boost” on one of your posts, a new window will appear to guide you through the boosting process.

How does boosting on LinkedIn work?

Any user who has super admin or content admin access on your LinkedIn page will be able to boost a single-image post, video post, or an event post.

When you choose to boost your post, LinkedIn uses real, member-generated demographic data to reach your target audience based on seniority, industry, job function and more. With boosting, you can hone in one the people that your business relies on most without needed to learn a new advertising tool.

With boosting, you’ll be able to turn an organic post into a paid ad, select your audience based on LinkedIn profiles or pre-set audiences, set a custom budget and schedule, and pay with a credit card or existing account.

To get started with boosting, select a post with higher-than-average engagement. Next, simply click “Boost” as seen below.

linkedin boost post

From there, you’ll be prompted to set up your campaign with these simple steps:

  1. Select a campaign objective of awareness, engagement, or website visits.
  2. Select your audience by building one from scratch, choosing from commonly used LinkedIn audiences, or targeting members based on their interests.
  3. Set a lifetime budget and scheudle, LinkedIn recommends a budget that averages a minimum of $100 a day to see results.
  4. Add a payment method using a credit card or an existing Campaign Manager account that has a budget already set.

That’s it! After setting up your campaign, you’ll be able to track performance on your boosted post, including both organic and boosted metrics.

What should I boost on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn recommends boosting posts that have higher-than-normal organic engagement. If you’re starting from scratch and creating new content, here are some types of posts that the pros at LinkedIn recommend, and the Animoto templates designed specifically to perform on LinkedIn:

  • Industry thought leadership. Share content to keep your audience more productive and informed about latest trends and happenings in your industry. Get started with the Trending News or Industry Insights templates.
  • Customer spotlight. Showcase examples of customer success using your own product. Give it a try using the Company Values template.
  • New product and service launches. Generate awareness of the new product launches and new service offerings that position your company on the leading edge of your industry. Make your vision a reality with our New Launch Promo template.
  • Upcoming events. Keep your audience engaged with your brand by hosting and promoting regular webinars and events. Create a video to promote your next virtual event with our Webinar Event Promo template.

Boosting best practices

While boosting is a very simple, straight-forward process, there are a few best practices you should keep in mind to achieve the best results possible. Here are the six tips LinkedIn recommends for preparing to boost your posts:

  1. Have an effective organic strategy: Take the time to track your LinkedIn analytics and identify which types of content resonate with your audience. Then, use that same strategy from your organic content when identifying posts to boost.
  2. Pick the right objective: Identifying the objective that aligns with your goals is instrumental in seeing results. There are currently three objectives available for boosting: Brand awareness, which we recommend for amplifying your brand voice or announcing timely information, Engagement, which helps maximize follows, shares, and likes, and Website visits, which is designed to drive traffic to a specific website or landing page.
  3. Use profile-based targeting: While LinkedIn offers preset audiences for boosting, creating your own target audience using specific attributes helps hone in on the LinkedIn members who will benefit from seeing your content most. When boosting, you’ll have the option to target based on seniority, job function, and industry.
  4. Don’t make your audience too small: According to LinkedIn, making your audience too small is the most common mistake made when boosting content. Some ways to avoid this are establishing an end goal for your campaign, limiting your targeting criteria to three or fewer, and aiming for at least 50K users in your forecasted reach.
  5. Try to budget at least $25 per day: As with all advertising efforts, you’ll need to spend money to make money. To help make your dollars worthwhile, focus on boosting content to your high lifetime value customers who are likely to convert within your company or industry.
  6. Schedule your boost for 1-2 weeks: While you may be eager to see results right away, be sure to give your boosts enough time to perform. If you’re looking for an estimate on how your posts are performing, you can always check the forecast to determine if your campaign has been running long enough to hit your goals. If not, you may need to increase the duration and/or your boosting budget.

LinkedIn video maker

Ready to start creating engaging content for LinkedIn? Check out our easy LinkedIn video maker, including templates specifically created to increase your engagement and reach on the platform.

Animoto is a proud LinkedIn Marketing Partner, helping you to create impactful videos to grow your network. Start creating content designed to convert quickly and easily with Animoto, and see all of our plans to find which is right for you and your business.