Video Ideas

8 LinkedIn Business Video Ideas (Plus Templates)

Megan O'Neill


LinkedIn recently opened up the option for businesses to post videos natively to their pages. And guess what? Video is thriving on the platform. According to LinkedIn data, videos are shared 20X more often than other types of content in the LinkedIn feed. Want to start making videos for LinkedIn but need some ideas? We’ve got you covered.

linkedin video ideas

We’ve put together a list of 8 LinkedIn video ideas, complete with drag-and-drop LinkedIn video templates, to help you get started. A number of these templates were a collaboration with LinkedIn and they were designed with LinkedIn best practices in mind. All our templates are customizable, so you can change the colors and logos to fit your brand. We’ve separated the video ideas into three buckets: thought leadership, marketing, and recruiting.

LinkedIn Video Ideas: Thought Leadership

1. Share a trending news story

A great way to showcase thought leadership is to be quick to comment on what’s happening in your industry now. The Trending News storyboard, created in collaboration with LinkedIn, can be used as a template to share your own news updates. Share the latest trends and set your business apart as an industry leader.

2. Share unique industry insights

You are an expert in your field and, like sharing trending news, sharing your knowledge as an industry insider can help set you apart. Try sharing stats or surprising and unique findings, like in the Industry Insights storyboard, another collaboration with LinkedIn. And don’t be afraid to add your own perspective too!

3. Teach a skill

Another way to showcase your expertise is by teaching a skill through an Expert How-To video. Keep in mind that LinkedIn is a professional social network, so a how-to video related to the workplace or skills that would help viewers professionally is a good option.

Looking for more ideas for sharing your thought leadership in video form? Here are some other video ideas to try:

  • Record a presentation. Have a great presentation that you give in person? Try it in video form.
  • Interview your CEO. Shoot a video interview with the CEO of your company. Ask compelling questions about your industry.

LinkedIn Video Ideas: Recruiting

4. Showcase your company values

Did you know that more than half of job seekers turn to professional social networks to look for jobs? Including videos that showcase your company culture and values on LinkedIn can help potential applicants decide whether they’d be a good fit for your organization. Our Company Values storyboard, created in collaboration with LinkedIn, offers a template for showcasing your own product and organization.

Looking for more recruiting video ideas? Try one (or all) of these:

  • Document a day in the life. What’s it like to work at your company? Follow a team member for a day or share some highlights about what a day in the life might look like for a role you’re hiring for.
  • Highlight a new role. What’s the role of the month? Share a video that talks about some of the qualifications and specifications for a role you’re hiring for.

LinkedIn Video Ideas: Marketing

5. Promote an event

Have an event coming up? Promote it with video! According to Eventbrite, who we’ve worked with on a list of event video ideas and templates, 94 percent of events that used video in 2018 said it was effective. The Webinar Event Promo storyboard we created in collaboration with LinkedIn may feature a webinar, but it can be used for any type of event.

PRO TIP: When creating videos for events, make sure to provide clear instructions so people know how to register if they’d like to attend.

6. Recap an event

Speaking of events! The fun doesn’t stop when the event is over. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to recap your event in video form. Sharing an event recap video to LinkedIn gives you the opportunity to share some of the thought leadership from your event and also gets people who couldn’t attend excited about attending your next event. Take the Event Recap storyboard, another LinkedIn collaboration, for a spin!

7. Promote a product launch

Got something new coming? Promote it with a video! A New Launch Promo is a great way to spread the word about a new product or service. Our final storyboard collab with LinkedIn is designed to do just that! Try including stats or statements that resonate with viewers’ pain points and how you’ll solve them to really hook viewers.

8. Share top blog posts in video form

If you’ve got a blog, take a look at the analytics to see what posts perform best. Which of your content gets shared the most? Turn it into a quick video or video teaser using our Blog Teaser storyboard, created in collaboration with HubSpot.

Now that you’re armed with some ideas, you’re ready to dive in! Check out our post on LinkedIn best practices for video to make the most of your video endeavors. Happy video making!