
Animoto and Sue Bryce Introduce a Video Marketing Challenge for Photographers

Sally Sargood

Animoto and Sue Bryce Introduce a Video Marketing Challenge for Photographers

Sue Bryce and Animoto are challenging photographers to create a video a month for a whole year. We’ve created a Facebook Group designed to inspire, educate, and support you to make a video marketing piece every month! The purpose of this group is to get you creating videos to market your business. Be inspired by others and what they post.

We will be providing Sue’s thoughts and guidance around each challenge, along with example videos. Visit the Facebook Group often to watch the videos others are posting, to offer feedback and to show off your challenge videos.

Some of these challenges will take preparation. So, rather than asking you to do a specific challenge every month, we are presenting all 12 up front. Start your checklist and pick one each month that speaks to you.

About Me
This is an opportunity to introduce yourself, sell yourself, tell people why you love doing what you do. Sell yourself by being friendly, likable, authentic and speak from the heart.

These 15 second video / slide shows are square, easy to watch and shareable on Instagram. Use Animoto’s iPhone/iPad app to get videos you make on the web on your phone to share on Instagram.

Multiple Genres
At the very least, you should have an impactful slideshow on YouTube for every genre you shoot. You can even create one video showcasing all your genres in a video. Try not to make it too long so as not to lose impact.

Behind the Scenes
Video is one of the best ways to show the process, the experience and the fun of working with you as their photographer.

Something New / Something Special
Don’t be afraid to make a special video for Fine Art, a specialized styling or something you feel passionate about. The goal here is the find new, share-worthy content.

Your Truth + Your Images
Is there a message you would like to convey through video? This could be a video to one specific audience (i.e. mothers need to get in front of cameras) or it could just be a message you feel strongly about (i.e. 365 Days of Grateful by Hailey Bartholomew).

Product Video and Studio Tour
This is not a sales video (well, it is). You are simply showing people what you do, where you shoot and / or what products you make. Plant the seed with your clients that they will buy.

Interview / Film a Client
Let your clients do the talking. Record your client talking about the experience they had with you, film a photo reveal or them picking up their finished product. The idea here is to create a video that is a testament to what experience you offer clients.

Charity Video
This is about giving back, sharing and making marketing that helps and means something. Always make sure the people want their story told. Never abuse this medium. It is an incredible way to help people, but there is a fine line between highlighting a cause and coming across as exploiting someone.

Highlight One Aspect of Your Shoot
Highlight one aspect of your session. Whether it’s the “fun in love” experience of an engagement, don’t be afraid to focus on the makeover experience or the fun of the engagement session. It’s okay to create videos that focus on the clients having this incredible experience, but make sure you show the reveal at the end.

**How to Prep For Your Shoot
**Create a video for your clients before their event/wedding shoot, try giving tips on what to wear for a successful photo shoot or tips on how to schedule your wedding day (i.e. make-up starting early).

**Video Business Card
Create a video highlighting the best of your photography (preferably under 90 seconds) that you can share easily with fellow vendors for co-marketing opportunities. Include your contact information or website.

Are you new to Animoto? Find out how it works and sign up here.