Industry News

Social Video Trends: What Marketers Say vs. What They Do [Infographic]


By now, marketers have seen the power of social video in action and are eager to reap the benefits. We dove into our State of Social Video Trends Report to find out what marketers are saying, and if it actually matches up with how they’re using video to market their businesses.

What did we learn? Marketers are embracing video more than ever, but there’s still room for improvement. We compiled some of our key findings, along with tips to set marketers and small businesses up for video marketing success in the new year. Here are a few highlights:

  • 93% of marketers have landed a new client from a video on social media, but 75% feel held back when it comes to creating more videos.
  • 85% of marketers say they consider how their videos appear on mobile, yet only 26% are optimizing for mobile by creating square or vertical videos.
  • Marketers rated “showcasing personality” and “connecting with customers” as the top reasons they maintain a social media presence. However, their videos are largely product-centric.

Check out the full infographic below for more.

Social Video Marketing Trends Infographic

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