
Social Video Bootcamp: Use Your Own Photos and Video Clips

Lucas Killcoyne


And we’re back with more of the Social Video Bootcamp!

So far, we’ve tried storyboards that we’d never used before, and created text-only videos. Get the whole story on those by clicking here.

We’d also like to encourage you, if you’re not a member already, to join the Animoto Social Video Marketing Community, where you’ll find a thriving group of supportive fellow video creators, learning and growing together as they master the video-making process.

Create a video with your own video clips and images

The first step for this one is to decide what video you’d like to create. Maybe you’d like to highlight a product or service, or possibly an upcoming event. That part is entirely up to you.

Next, give some thought to the types of visuals that you’d like to use to communicate that message. Then, go through the photo libraries on your phone and your computer. Even social media accounts are fair game.

It’s entirely possible that you’ll already have everything you need. If you do, great!

But if you don’t, it’s time to get your hands dirty and take some new photos and video clips. For some of you, this’ll be old hat, but if you’re unused to shooting your own content, you’ve got this! You may also want to check out our Video Creation Basics series on our blog for a few pointers.

Once you fill in any blanks with new images and video, just head over to Animoto, upload your files, and get started on your video!

The last step is, of course, posting your video to the group. Let us know if you were able to find everything you needed, or if you shot any additional media.

We’re looking forward to watching!