
Power-Up LinkedIn with Video

Lauren Colman

uploading videos to linkedin

LinkedIn has established itself as a leader in helping people connect with other professionals and build a personal brand. It doesn’t stop there. LinkedIn has grown to be invaluable to businesses, especially B2B, for industry networking and lead generation.

Including Video in Your Status Update

Status updates in LinkedIn work the same for individuals as they do for businesses. As an individual you may want to share a video from a company you follow or a vlog that relates to your field of work. Businesses will most likely use the status update to share a new company video or share relevant industry videos.

To add a video to your status update simply paste the URL of your video (LinkedIn currently supports Vimeo and YouTube links) in the status bar.

LinkedIn Company Video Status Update

Wait for the video thumbnail and description to load. Once the preview is populated you can remove the URL from the status field and add text to help introduce the video.

LinkedIn Company Video Update

**Tip: **Include a link in your accompanying text that points to a page on your site or blog post where readers/viewers can get more information about the video you posted.

Adding Video as a Work Sample on Your Profile

Gone is the boring text resumes of the past. You can upload images, presentations, documents and videos to your LinkedIn profile to show off the projects and campaigns you have worked on or been a part of.

To add a video to your work experience click Edit Profile on your profile page. Find the entry you want to add the video to and click the square with a (+) symbol.

LinkedIn Adding Work Sample Video to Position

To add a video you will want to click Add Link and paste the URL of the video you want to add. YouTube and Vimeo links will embed the video on your profile. You can add the link from other video hosting sites but they will link out to the player page instead of playing in LinkedIn.

LinkedIn Adding Work Sample Videos

**Tip: **Adding video work samples will help you stand out from other candidate who do not have samples. Don’t just tell people about your work, show them.

Adding Video to Long Form Posts

Think of Long Form Posts in LinkedIn as a professional blogging platform. This is where you can write articles on topics that are relevant to your industry or job function. Twitter limits you to 140 characters and Facebook doesn’t serve up your content to a specific business audience. Long Form Posts will help you establish yourself as a thought leader.

To write a Long Form Post go to your status bar and click the pencil to the right.  From the next page you can edit the look and feel of your post. The entry page has a WYSIWYG editor for writing your content. This is where you can find the option to add a video. Click the icon that looks like a play button.

LinkedIn Long Form Post Video Upload

In the pop-up window you will paste the embed code of the video you want to include in your post. LinkedIn currently supports YouTube, SlideShare, Vimeo, Ted, Livestream and Getty Image embed codes. To complete the embed click Add media.

LinkedIn Long Form Post Video Embed

**Tip: **LinkedIn Long Form Posts are searchable outside of LinkedIn and can be viewed by anyone, there is no need for readers to have a LinkedIn account.

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