
Millennials Love Video (And Why You Should Too) [Infographic]

Megan O'Neill


Last month, we published data from our recent Animoto Online and Social Video Marketing Study, confirming that consumers are hungry for video. In our latest infographic, we’ve put Generation Y under the microscope to reveal the importance of incorporating video into your strategy when marketing to millennials.

According to the book Gen BuY, by Kit Yarrow, Generation Y will spend more than $200 billion annually starting in 2017 and $10 trillion in their lifetimes. They’re a spending powerhouse and, to tap into that power, it’s becoming increasingly important for brands and businesses to start building their marketing strategies around what millennials respond to: and that’s video.

Here are some more powerful stats we discovered about millennials:

  • 80 percent of millennials consider video content when researching a purchase decision
  • 7 out of 10 millennials are likely to watch a company video when shopping online
  • 76 percent of millennials follow brands on YouTube
  • 60 percent of millennials prefer to watch a company video over reading a company newsletter

Check out the infographic below to learn more. Are you targeting your marketing to millennials? If so, we’d love to hear what you’re doing. Drop a note in the comments below.

Millennials Love Video Infographic

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