
LinkedIn Appears to Be Testing Auto-Play Videos

Megan O'Neill


Good news for video marketers — it looks like LinkedIn is testing out auto-play videos. Our Management Consultant Sean Hurley has been noticing videos autoplaying in his LinkedIn feed for the past couple of weeks. Check out the video below to see what it looks like:

Also worth noting is the fact that, in this particular video, as a viewer continues to scroll down a call-to-action button appears on the video linking to other relevant content within the same playlist as this video on our YouTube channel (which you should subscribe to, by the way!).

Last month, Leslie Belknap of Ethos3 shared a list of New LinkedIn Features to Help You Succeed in 2016, that included a mention of the auto-play feature, saying that “when you upload video content to YouTube or Vimeo, and share the video link in a LinkedIn update, your videos will now autoplay in the LinkedIn newsfeed.”

This is different from the auto-play feature on Facebook or Twitter, which only auto-plays native videos, but currently LinkedIn doesn’t offer a native video upload feature.

So far, it seems they’ve only rolled the auto-play video feature out to some users (based on a poll of the Animoto team), but we’re hoping it’s here to stay. With video auto-playing in the feed it’ll be much easier to grab the attention of your contacts and followers as they scroll through their feeds, and we’re also loving the fact that it promotes additional suggested video content as well. We’ll be updating this post as we learn more.

Have you noticed videos auto-playing in your LinkedIn feed? Let us know in the comments.

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