
Where & How to Share Your Real Estate Videos for Success

Megan O'Neill


As a real estate agent or broker, you probably already know that video can be a great way to attract clients and stand out from your competition, and if you’ve read our blog you understand that creating videos to market yourself isn’t as difficult as you may have thought. But once your videos are created, where should you share them?

Where & How to Share Your Real Estate Videos for Success

When it comes to distributing your real estate videos you want to get them in front of as many people as possible and, to take it a step further, get them in front of as many relevant people as possible — that is, people that are looking to buy, rent, or sell properties in the neighborhoods you work in. We’ve compiled a list of places to share your videos (and how to share them) in order to reach this audience.

Your website & real estate portals

The first place you’ll want to make sure to include your videos in on your website, as well as along with listings you’ve posted to various real estate portals across the web, like,,, and

Note that different sites have different video offerings — some will let you share links to videos, others will let you upload videos themselves but may have special requirements — so you’ll need to do some research. If you use a multiple listing service (MLS) then you may have to forgo branding. Find out how to create unbranded versions of your videos on our blog.


YouTube is the second largest search engine, after Google. As a result, it’s one of the most important places to be posting your real estate videos. Some of the best ways to reach potential clients on YouTube is by posting neighborhood videos or videos sharing your expertise about topics that buyers and sellers are likely to be searching for, but you can also upload your listing videos to get them in front of more potential buyers or renters.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when sharing videos on YouTube:

  • Optimize titles, descriptions, and tags by including relevant keywords, specifically related to the neighborhoods you work in.
  • Include clear calls to action and links back to your website or information so that potential clients will know how to get in touch.
  • Choose a thumbnail image that’s visually compelling to draw attention.

Check out our blog post on 5 YouTube Tips for Real Estate Agents to learn more about how to optimize your real estate videos for success on YouTube.

Other video sharing platforms

While YouTube is the most popular video sharing platform, there are still people that use other sites to get their video fix, from Vimeo to to Dailymotion and more. Sharing your videos on as many of these platforms as possible will increase your odds of getting discovered. Of course, it would take a lot of time to go through each of these sites individually to upload your content. Luckily, there are tools that make it easy for you.

In Animoto, we let you export your videos in a click to a variety of platforms including Wistia, Vzaar, Vimeo, YouTube, and Facebook. You can read more about our sharing functionalityon our blog. There are also video distribution tools like OneLoad, powered by TubeMogul, that allow you to upload a video one time and distribute everywhere. As with YouTube, you’ll want to make sure to optimize your metadata (titles, descriptions, and tags) everywhere you post to maximize your discoverability.

Social media

Finally, get your videos on social media! Are you on Twitter and Facebook? Post your videos there and encourage people to share them with friends that may be looking for properties in your area. We’ve compiled a list of 5 Social Media Tips for Real Estate Agents to help you make the most of social platforms, and to get the best results when posting videos.

What are your go to platforms for distributing your real estate videos? Let us know in the comments below.

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