
Highlights from the Social Marketing for Women in Business Event

Megan O'Neill


Earlier this week we were joined by speaker Sue Bryce, Andrea Vahl, and our own Sally Sargood, along with our wonderful host Kim Coles, for Social Marketing for Women in Business, a Facebook Live event. Couldn’t tune in live? Not a problem! You can watch the entire event in the video below. Check it out, and then read on for some speaker highlights.

Sue Bryce

Sue Bryce, award winning photographer and educator, started things off with an inspirational talk on how to be the face and voice of your brand. She shared over 40 of her favorite tips on business, on creating an online presence, on your brand, your marketing, and infusing yourself into your marketing.

Sue covered everything from how your energy and intention impacts your success to how to learn to feel comfortable and worthy of receiving money for your services, and everything in between. Check out the highlight video below and, for more inspiration, check out her entire talk in the full video above. Sue’s up first, with her talk beginning at the minute and a half mark

Andrea Vahl

Next up, Andrea Vahl, the co-author of Facebook Marketing All-in-One for Dummies, dove into Facebook advertising. She covers a variety of important aspects of Facebook advertising, from boosted posts to the importance of testing, and measuring results. Andrea’s talk start at around 46 minutes in.

Sally Sargood

Animoto’s own Sally Sargood closed out the event with a quick demo of our Marketing video builder. Sally showed how to create a video in under ten minutes using one of our new pre-built quote video storyboards. Check out the condensed version below, or head up to the top of the page to find her full demo, starting at an hour and 27 minutes in.

What were your favorite highlights from the event? Head over to Facebook to join in the conversation.