
Facebook Video Cover Examples and Ideas

Megan O'Neill


Last month we shared tips on how to create a Facebook video cover for your Facebook Page. If you want to make a video cover but you’re feeling a bit of video block (that’s the video equivalent of writer’s block!) we’ve got your back. Here are some ideas for Facebook video covers, complete with examples. Check them out and then make your own!

Note: The video examples below will play without sound, to emulate how they look when a visitor first arrives on the Facebook page. However, visitors can opt to listen to sound on your cover videos.

Idea #1: Show off what you’re selling

A video cover on your Facebook Page can be a great opportunity to show off your product or service. Kim Winey Photography does a great job of this. She created a video in Animoto that features her own work. It gives potential clients an idea of what they can expect, should they choose to book with her.

Here’s a similar example from Gretchen B Photography, also created with Animoto. This video also works well to give potential customers an idea of what they can expect if they book with Gretchen.

What type of product or service do you offer? Can you imagine showing it off in a video at the top of your Facebook Page?

Idea #2: Showcase your expertise

Another fun idea for a Facebook cover video is to use it as an opportunity to showcase your expertise and teach people something. Hootsuite does a great job of this in the current video on their Facebook page. They teach viewers about how to define the ROI of social media, which is something that their customers would find very useful.

Idea #3: Go behind the scenes

You could also use your Facebook cover video as an opportunity to share a little bit of behind-the-scenes content. Social media management tool Buffer posted a video cover on their Facebook page that showcases their team and shows off their fun company culture.

Idea #4: Tell a story

Here’s another fun video from an Animoto customer. Carrie of Carrie Vines Photography uses video to tell love story featuring photos and video clips that show off her work.

Idea #5: Promote an event

Finally, your Facebook video cover can be a great place to promote an event. We just celebrated our 10th birthday and, as part of it, we uploaded a cover video to our own Facebook page, inviting fans to join our celebration.

For more video inspiration, as well as feedback on your work from fellow video creators, join our private Facebook group, the Animoto Social Video Marketing Community.