
25 Ways to Boost Your Engagement on Instagram [Infographic]

Megan O'Neill


Looking to get more followers and engagement on Instagram? A new infographic from business blogger Brandon Gaille offers up 25 Ways to Get Highly Engaged Instagram Followers. The infographic covers everything from posting regularly to interacting with followers, identifying which posts are doing best to hone your strategy, providing incentives, using hashtags, partnering with other Instagrammers, and more.

Check out the full infographic below. Have you tried any of these methods when posting to your own Instagram? What’s worked best for you? We’d love to hear about your experience in the comments.

25 Top Instagram Marketing Tips from the Pros

Did you know that you can now post landscape or portrait video to Instagram, instead of having to crop videos to fit into a square? Find out what this means for your Instagram strategy in our recent blog post introducing the change.

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