Video Ideas

Video Ideas To Use All Year

Madison Fraitag


Have you ever spent more time than you’d like to admit staring at a blank content calendar, waiting for brilliant ideas to magically appear on screen? If your answer is yes – don’t worry, we’ve all been there. Fortunately, you don’t have to stay there.

Your Year of Video Ideas

While we love creating a festive video around a holiday, special occasion, or spectacular announcement, you’re underutilizing the power of video if you only make them for the “big events.” Product promos, sales announcements, and even a simple "thank you" are just as good reasons to use video. Plus, you’ll fill in the gaps of your content calendar with helpful, engaging, and attention-grabbing information.

The next time you’re racking your brain for content ideas, check out this list of video suggestions that you can use anytime throughout the year.

Craving even more inspiration? Choose from any of our templates, all easily customizable to fit any brand, event, or platform.

Click below to browse ideas by category:

Introduction video ideas

Reintroduce Yourself

Maybe you’ve noticed an increase in your social media followers and want to formally introduce or reintroduce yourself or your employees to your followers. Use the Self-Introduction template to let your audience know more about you and your team.

Follow that up with the story of your journey to success using our Personal Story template, then create a vertical version of your video at the push of a button to share on your social stories.

Introduce Your Business

What’s a typical day in the office like for you and your employees? Whether meeting with clients, serving customers in your brick-and-mortar establishment, or showing off your favorite products, sharing an insider view of your business can help generate feelings of trust with your followers. Let them know what you’re all about with an About Us video.

What leaps and bounds has your business made since it was founded? Tell your customers how things have evolved over the years with the Business Story template.

Testimonial video ideas

Service Testimonials

A positive customer testimonial is worth its weight in gold, especially in the service industry. Whether Kelly left a raving review on the timeliness and efficiency of your service or Ben shared that your team is the friendliest he’s ever worked with, you need to let the world know! Do so with the Service Testimonial template.

Product Testimonials

You know your product is the best, but that message carries much more weight when it comes from your customers. Let them do the heavy lifting. Put their glowing reviews to work in our Product Testimonial template.

Business video ideas

Promote Your Service

Drive traffic to your website or digital storefront at the right moment for your business. Try out our Online Fitness Promo template and our Virtual Real Estate Tour template for two stylized promos, both easily customizable to fit your industry and brand.

Weekly Series

From baking a cake to transforming your blonde client into a redhead, share your best tips using our Weekly Series: #TipTuesday template, or use our Weekly Series: #WellnessWednesday template, to share wellness-related information about your products or services.

Motivational video ideas


Sometimes less is more, as is often the case with quotes. A powerful quote can quickly pack a punch, stop the scroll, and motivate your audience to take action. Try our Impactful Quote template or our Motivational Quote template to create thought-provoking and share-worthy videos.

Ignite Action

If your business supports a philanthropic cause or social movement, use your platform to get your followers and customers in on the action. Whether promoting an event or creating awareness, the Call-to-Action Quote template can help amplify your message.

Social media challenges are a fun and impactful way to generate engagement and foster a sense of community. Use the Community Challenge template to encourage your followers to join in.

Promotional video ideas

Year-Round Promo

We know that your video marketing is a year-round priority. That’s why we created templates like the E-Commerce Product Promo to help you stay on top of your advertising needs 24/7.

Announce new products any time of the year with this simple and short vertical New Product Promo template.

Promote Your Product

Show off your unique line of products with the Collection Portfolio template, or highlight your newest and most anticipated products with the Bite-sized Product Intro template.

Social Media

Social Posts

Getting started with social media is crucial for small businesses to increase engagement with a local audience and beyond. Use our Content Teaser template to preview upcoming news and events, or use the Sneak Peek template to give an exclusive look leading up to a product launch.

Social Stories

The best part of creating video with Animoto: every template can be easily turned into a vertical video for your social media channels. That said, we’ve also designed a handful of templates specifically for your Stories. Use the New Post Teaser Template after every social post so your followers can keep up with your content as soon as you post it.

Some of the most popular types of content on social are how-to and tutorials videos; use our Vertical Recipe Tutorial template and customize to your product or service to give your followers a look at what you have to offer.

Start creating today

Start making your content calendar more robust today, and be sure to join our Social Video Marketing Community group on Facebook for more video inspiration.