
Birthday video maker

Combine photos, video clips, text, and music to create beautiful birthday videos easily with Animoto's drag-and-drop video maker.

Make a birthday video in minutes

Create one-of-a-kind 'happy birthday' videos quickly and easily. Videos make great gifts and are a fun way to recap all the birthday festivities. With a library of templates, music, and visual effects, Animoto's birthday video maker makes it easy for anyone to wish a heartfelt "happy birthday" with video.

Create in minutes

How to make a birthday video

  1. Choose a birthday template or start from scratch
  2. Upload your photos and video clips
  3. Personalize your birthday video by changing colors, text, and music
  4. Produce and share your video on social media, via email, or showcase it at a birthday party


Make a birthday video in minutes

Create and share videos for free. Upgrade anytime for more customization.

We want to help you make amazing videos

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