Over 400 million people view Instagram Stories every day, according to Statista. Stories offer a giant opportunity for reaching and interacting with your followers. And one of the things that makes Instagram Stories so special is the engagement tools they provide, including the ability to share polls, ask questions, and more.
If you’re creating vertical videos for Instagram Stories, adding a question to the mix is a fun way to spice things up and encourage engagement.
Ask me a question Instagram ideas
In this article we'll be focused on the "Ask Me a Question" Instagram Story sticker. If you're interested in asking questions via polls, check out our article on Instagram Story Polls.
If you’re looking for ideas of questions to ask your audience on Instagram Stories, the possibilities are really endless. But we’ve put together some prompts for questions to ask on Instagram Story posts for some inspiration. We’ll split out questions for business and questions for fun.
Questions to ask on Instagram Story business posts
If you’re using Instagram to engage with your customers, the Question sticker can be a fun way to glean insights about your audience. Here are some ideas:
- Do an Ask Me Anything (AMA) about your business. Open up the floor for your followers to ask YOU the questions. Then, share the questions you get, along with answers, right back to your story. These can be general, or related to specific products, services, events, holidays—anything goes!
- Learn about your followers. Where do your most-engaged followers on Instagram Stories live? How did they find your account? Where do they shop? What do they do for a living? Ask! Get to know the folks that are engaging with you on a regular basis and cater your content to them.
- Ask for feedback. The Question sticker in Instagram Stories provides a direct line to your customers. So ask them for feedback on anything you’d like so you can learn more about their needs and their wants. Have a new product coming out and not sure what color it should be? Ask. Curious about how people are using one of your products? Ask. Want to know what their favorite content to see in your Stories is? Ask. Asking for feedback is also a nice way to make your customers feel special and like they are a part of your decision-making process. Here are some prompts:
- What do you think of our new _______?
- What would you like to see more of in our Stories?
- Is there anything you would do to make _______ better?
Questions to ask on Instagram Stories for fun
If you’re not using Instagram Stories for your business, but want to try out the Question sticker to engage with your friends and followers, here are some ideas:
- Do an Ask Me Anything (AMA). We mentioned this for businesses, but it can be fun for your personal account too. Open the floor to your followers and see what questions they’ve got for you!
- Get recommendations. Whether you’re traveling and looking for things to do in a place you aren’t familiar with, want to find a nice local restaurant, or are looking to buy a new coffee maker, a Question on Instagram Stories is a great place to find recommendations.
- Ask for advice. In a situation where you just aren’t sure what to do? Ask your friends! Of course, you’ll want to keep in mind that any of your followers (or even non-followers if you’ve got a public profile) can see your Story, which may influence which sort of questions you ask.
How to ask questions on Instagram Story posts
Now that you know what to ask, we'll show you how to ask it. Asking questions on Instagram Story post is easy. You just need to know where to look. To get started, simply create a story by clicking the little circle with your Instagram avatar and a + symbol in the top left corner of your own Instagram profile.
Create any type of Instagram Story post you’d like: Normal, Music, Boomerang, Superzoom, Hands-free—anythin goes! You can use the Question sticker with all of these types.
Once your Instagram Story post is set up, it’s time to add a question! Simply tap on the Stickers icon that looks like a little square with a smiley face. Then, tap on the “Questions” sticker.

Tapping "Questions" will add a Question box to your Instagram Story. You can tap on the Question box to edit it. You’ll be able to type in your own question—just note that there’s a character limit of around 75-80 characters for questions, as they can only extend as far as three lines.

You can also change the color of the Question box by tapping on the colored circle at the top of the screen. Once you’ve got your question written and your box color selected, tap "Done" in the top right corner.
You can use your fingers to resize and reposition the Question box to put it where you want in your Story, and you’re good to go. Tap "Send To >" to add the post to your Story and wait for the responses to start rolling in!

Where to find responses to Instagram Story questions
Where can you see all the answers that people post in response to your Question? To find them, simply view your own story. In the bottom left corner, where you can see how many people have viewed your story, you’ll be able to tap to view your responses. Tapping will open up a window where you can see who viewed your story, as well as any responses to your question and who wrote them.
If you want to share any of the responses to your Instagram Story, you can do that too! Simply tap on a response and it’ll open a window that'll let you share the response to a new Story draft.

Add a photo or video clip, stickers, text, or any other extras you’d like and publish!
Note: When sharing someone’s response, you can tag them in the story using either text with an @ symbol or an @Mention Sticker. Doing so will not only give them credit, but send them a DM letting them know you’ve included them.

If you want to learn more about Instagram Stories, check out a few of our other posts on the subject below. Happy Instagramming!