Video Marketing

How to Use Amazon Sponsored Brands Video Ads

Jeff Kahsen


As the world’s #1 most visited internet marketplace, Amazon presents a valuable opportunity for brands looking to increase their exposure.

If you sell a product, any product, then advertising on Amazon can be quite lucrative. Many small businesses rely on it as an alternative to platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads.

Amazon Sponsored Brands Videos: A New Way to Advertise

Why is it so great? For one thing, consumers on Amazon have a high buyer intent. Since most are already logged in to an Amazon prime account while searching, they can make a purchase in as few as 1-2 clicks.

Bottom line? If you run an ecommerce brand and have a presence on Amazon, you should be taking advantage of their robust ads platform.

In the past, we’ve talked extensively about the power of video ads and video marketing for ecommerce and on Amazon in particular. Now Amazon is making this even more accessible with their latest entry--Sponsored Brand videos.

When it comes to content creation, Animoto is here to help. Sellers can edit and publish their Sponsored Brand videos quickly and easily, with our hassle-free video editor. Learn how you can harness the power of Animoto and Amazon video advertising for your business.

What are Amazon Sponsored Brand Videos?

Sponsored Brand videos appear to users on desktop and mobile devices, while they are scrolling in the Amazon shopping results. These ads are keyword targeted, and correlate to the search term that the user typed into Amazon’s search.

Advertisers are charged per click and customers are taken directly to the product details page where a conversion can take place.

What’s in the Ad?

Amazon automatically displays a number of signifying details in the ad unit below your video, including characteristics like star rating, review count, Prime eligibility, and pricing.

This display of information makes Sponsored Brand videos a great bottom funnel advertising option to lead users to a quick purchasing decision.

The video portion of the ad is muted by default. Even though users can toggle audio on and off, it’s important to add text and captions to your video so your message can be conveyed without audio.

How to Create a Sponsored Brand Video

It used to be expensive and time consuming to shoot a video, get it edited, uploaded, and shared with an audience. Not anymore.

Nowadays, it can happen in the span of a few minutes. Simply record some footage of your products or services, upload the video clips and/or some product photos to Animoto’s video editor, and have a published video, ready to go in a matter of moments.

As Amazon’s Sponsored Brand videos feature goes live, Animoto will make your workflow a breeze. Download your video from Animoto then upload to the advertising console or Seller Central when setting up your new sponsored brands video campaign.

Animoto is one of Amazon’s preferred choices for video ads on their platform. We’ve worked side-by-side with the team at Amazon to bring you the most robust templates that are optimized for Sponsored Brand Videos.

Each template is rigorously tested to give you the best conveyance of your sales message, resulting in higher conversion rates. We’re also keeping them up to date with the latest moderation guidelines to give you an advantage with Amazon’s creative acceptance process.

Here are three amazing templates to get your editing process started.

E-Commerce Product Promo

Think of this template as a stylized powerpoint presentation, but with some added pizzazz. Use it as a visual medium to highlight a new product or promotion for your ecommerce store.

Add photos to create a slideshow that highlights the product in use, focusing on features and applications. Combine this with promotional text that describes the benefits of the product and add a call to action that makes viewers want to click through.

Choose from Animoto’s extensive library of commercially licensed music to find the right promotional music for your video.

Before & After Testimonial

Show off your product with impactful visuals that tell a story. Take customers from beginning to end to show them how your product does its magic.

Add before and after images, or a short video of your product hard at work. Include stylized captions, branding, and more. These features serve as innate storytelling tools to bolster your marketing pitch.

Demonstrate the success of your product by using positive anecdotes that audiences can identify with. They will be much more likely to buy your product.

Short Product Intro

This promotional template relies on brevity to get customers to click through. Short, straightforward messaging should be used to grab your audience’s attention and convince them your product is number one.

How do we know this template was built with Amazon in mind? Amazon co-designed it with Animoto.

Where to Send Your Sponsored Brands Video Ad Viewers?

Deciding where to send your prospective customers can make for a challenging decision. It should be A/B tested using a variety of landing pages to understand your best performers.

Amazon gives you a few landing page options for where you may want to send your audiences.

Amazon Store Page

You can send people directly to your Amazon store page, which may be a good idea if you are a larger brand. People might want to see your full range of products and decide on buying multiple items.

Remember to link to your store page in your ad’s call to action button.

Product Landing Page

The alternative option is to send them directly to your product page. This is great if you are a smaller brand or you specifically want people to convert on this single item.

Category Page

If you have similar products in the same category you may want to get your prospective customers browsing through your category page, in case they don’t want to buy the identical product from your ad.

Amazon Sponsored Brand Video Best Practices

Focus on Quality

Make your video stand out in terms of both aesthetics and content. Animoto can help by providing the template, but it’s up to you to ensure your messaging speaks to your intended audience.

Look at others in your space to gather inspiration, but then make sure to infuse your own unique branding when editing your video ad.

Use Animoto’s watermark feature and logo blocks to include logos and other branding materials on your ad.

Remain Product-Centric

Time is of the essence. If we’re talking about a 15-30 second video ad, we should keep it heavily-focused on product marketing for the entirety of the video.

Show your product right away and highlight its features in-depth throughout the ad. Amazon has stated that videos featuring the product prominently within the first second of the ad outperform those that don’t.

See How Well Your Videos Loop

Sponsored Brand Video ads are played on a loop, so it’s important that your video transitions seamlessly from end to beginning.

It sounds like an unusual aspect to be concerned with, but your video will look more professional if it has a clean transition back to the start.

Add Captions

Remember that a lot of viewers won’t have their sound turned on, so adding captions will make your product video more informative and accessible to all viewers.

Animoto allows you to easily add text to each block in your video.

Start Creating Video Ads Today

Creating video ads for Amazon is easy with Animoto’s intuitive video editor. Start by picking a template, upload your video clips or images, update the messaging and branding, and have your ad featured on Amazon in minutes.

Sponsored Brands Video Ads are about to reward video marketers everywhere. So what are you waiting for? Start creating your video ad today.