Video Marketing

Guide to Facebook Stories for Business

Megan O'Neill


Facebook Stories are growing in popularity. Facebook Stories currently have 500 million daily users and more than 3 million advertisers. Facebook Stories can help you reach an even broader audience.


In this guide, we’ll show you how to get the most out of Facebook Stories for your business. If you’re already creating Instagram Stories for your business, we’ll show you how to share them to Facebook too. Plus, we’ll show you how to create Facebook Stories from scratch on your business Page and share some best practices.

To learn even more, check out our complete guide to Facebook Stories.

How to add a Story to a Facebook Business page

We’ll start by sharing step by step instructions for adding a Story to your Facebook Business Page. While you can add a Facebook Story from your web browser, there are a lot more options in the mobile app. We’ll touch on how to add a Story from the web, then dive into how to do it on your phone.

Before you get started! Note that you must be a Page admin or editor in order to update the Page’s Story. If you aren’t, request access from an admin.

How to add a Facebook Business page Story on your computer

You can add a Story to your Facebook Business Page from a computer, though we definitely recommend hopping on your phone. But if you aren’t able to login on a mobile device, head to your Facebook Page and click on the + on your profile image.


You’ll then be able to upload a photo or video clip. We were able to upload a 15-second video clip but not a longer one. Make sure that only “Your Page’s Story” is selected before you share.


How to add a Facebook Story to your Business Page on mobile

Now we’ll show you how to add to your Facebook Business Page’s Story from your phone. The instructions differ a bit depending on whether you manager your page through Business Manager or not.

Manage your Facebook Page through Business Manager? You’ll need to create your Story using Facebook’s Pages Manager app. Tap the + on your profile to create your story.


If you don’t use Business Manager, you can easily create a Facebook Story for your Business Page using the ordinary Facebook mobile app.

We’ll run through the steps for creating a Facebook Story for your business on the iOS app. If you’re an Android user, the process may differ slightly on your device.

Step 1: Go to your Business Page in the Facebook app.

If you’ve got multiple Business pages, head to the one that you want to share your Story to.

Step 2: Start your Story.

Tap the + on your profile image and then tap “Create story.”


Step 3: Add a photo or video.

You’ll be asked to select a photo or video clip from your camera roll to get your Story started. Tap to add one to your Story.

Step 4: Put the finishing touches on your Story.

You can add stickers, text, filters, or even add a call to action button to let viewers know what to do next.


Step 5: Share your Business Story to Facebook!

Once your Story is ready, you can tap "Page’s Story" for a shortcut that’ll share your Story instantly. Or, you can tap "Next" for the option to share to both your Story and the News Feed.


How to share an Instagram Story to Facebook

If you’re already creating Instagram Stories for your business, you can feed two birds with one scone. We’ll show you how to simultaneously share your Story to your business’s Facebook and Instagram.

First, make sure you’ve got your Facebook Page connected to your Instagram Business account. You can do this under Linked Accounts in your Account settings.

When you create your next Instagram Story, simply tap on "Sharing Options" and you can decide to share to your Facebook Page just once, or to set it up to share to your connected Page’s Facebook Story every time.


Looking for more information about Instagram Stories? Check out some of our other guides:

Best practices for Facebook Business Page Stories

If you’re just getting started with Facebook Stories for your business, here are a few best practices to keep in mind.

  • Include a call to action. Let viewers know what to do next by including a call to action button. You can do this by tapping the link icon when you create your Story. Depending on the type of page you have, calls to action may include Shop Now, Book Now, Call Now, Get Directions, Learn More, See Event, See Job, or See Offer.
  • Use sound. According to Facebook, “Stories with voice-over or music drive better results compared to [those] without any sound.” You can use the sound from your video clip, or use the Music sticker to add music to your Story. The Facebook Stories Music sticker works in the same way as the Instagram Stories Music sticker.
  • Have fun with stickers. There are a whole variety of things you can do with Facebook Story stickers. In addition to adding music, you can tag another page, tag a location, ask a question, run a poll, and more.
  • Include your brand. As viewers tap through their Stories, you’ll want to make sure your brand gets the recognition it deserves. Start with your brand, and end with it too, especially if you’re creating Stories with multiple cards or scenes.

Make videos for Facebook Business Stories

If you’re looking to create your own videos for your Business Story on Facebook, our iOS app can help.

The Animoto: Social Video Editor app is designed to make it easy to create professional videos to share to your Stories. It comes complete with templates for business Stories that you can easily customize with your own images and video clips. Check out the quick tutorial below to find out how it works.

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