
Oh Baby! 20 Milestone Moments to Capture in Photo and Video [Infographic]

Beth Forester


When you’re a parent, especially a first-time parent, you probably find yourself going overboard with the photos and videos. “I don’t want to miss a single moment!” or “But they’re so cute when they sleep!” are common phrases that probably have non-parents rolling their eyes.

In all fairness, it is an exciting time for parents. And as a parent of a now grown child, I look back and wish I would have taken even more photos, because there are so many moments, so many “firsts” that I just didn’t know would be so important to me later.

So here’s a handy little guide to 20 milestone moments to capture in your baby’s life — in the first year and beyond. You can always pare down your photos, but you can’t ever go back in time and take more — so ignore the eye-rollers and snap away!

Baby's First Year Infographic

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