
Social Video Bootcamp: The Grand Finale

Lucas Killcoyne


This is it! The final installment of our 2018 Social Video Bootcamp.

We’ve come a long way in the past few months. To wrap up, we want to see a video you’re especially proud of that you created using a technique we covered during the Bootcamp. Once you’ve picked out your video of choice, share it in our Facebook group, the Animoto Social Video Marketing Community.

If you’re not a member, join us for video help, ideas, tips, updates from our team, and support from fellow creators.

Share a Video You’re Really Proud Of

Need a refresher on everything we’ve talked about? Take a stroll down Bootcamp memory lane with links to posts one through nine below.

  1. Try a new Storyboard
  2. Create a text-only video
  3. Create a video with your own video clips/images
  4. Use the quote block in a video
  5. Create your own storyboard
  6. Set up a Facebook ad
  7. Write a script for your video
  8. Cut one of your videos in half
  9. Set up an A/B test

Again, if you’re not already a member of our Facebook group, we’d love for you to join us. We’ve seen so many fantastic videos posted during the Bootcamp, and we know that there are so many more ahead of us.

Don’t worry, this isn’t the end! We’ll be back soon with more tips and techniques to help you up your video creation and marketing game.