
Personality Matters: How to Differentiate Your Business

Jason Hsiao


When was the last time you felt ecstatic after viewing a LinkedIn page? Had a website’s layout cause your heart to swell with emotion? Received a business card that was so moving it made you cry tears of joy? Probably never. That’s not to say these aren’t all essential tools in your marketing arsenal, but it can be hard to really differentiate yourself from your competitors with a business card, a text- and image-based website, or a simple LinkedIn page. There’s something about video, on the other hand, that — if done right — really gives you the opportunity to stand out from the crowd. That “something” is personality.

Personality Matters: How to Differentiate Your Business

What does personality have to do with business? A lot. To explain, come with me on a little trip down memory lane — to when my wife and I were planning our wedding. We were spending more money than we had ever spent in our lives on what was supposed to be the most special day of our lives. There was a lot of pressure and we wanted to make sure that all of the people we involved in this important day were the right choices, from the caterers to the limo driver, and everyone in between.

With dozens of florists, invitation designers, tent rental services, limo drivers, and caterers to choose from, how did we put together our wedding super team? For us, a major factor guiding most of our decisions was personality.

We considered several dozen caterers and probably went to a dozen tastings. We ended up going with Tip Of The Tongue, an up-and-coming catering duo from NYC. We didn’t choose them based solely on price point (they weren’t the cheapest or the most expensive), nor did we choose them on food taste alone (ironically, the caterer with the best tasting food had the worst personality). We chose them because we really resonated with their story; we could sense they had a real passion for their work, and, on a personal level, we just clicked.

The same went for the DJ. A lot of people don’t consider the fact that the DJ is one of the most important personalities shaping your wedding, because they serve as the voice of your reception. Think about it: it’s the DJ who actually introduces you as a couple for the first time. For us, it wasn’t just taste in music, but personality that helped us make our decision.

Personality isn’t just a great selling point in the wedding world – it’s a factor that can help you stand out in any business or profession. Video is a great way to feature your personality front and center. Unlike flat business cards, websites, and LinkedIn profiles, video can really differentiate you from the competition.

I’m passionate about video because I truly believe that it’s the most compelling and effective way to communicate what matters most. Through video, you can give someone goosebumps, cause hearts to swell with joy, bring people to tears, and demonstrate to potential clients and customers why they really should choose you over your competitors; it’s a chance to show your personality, tell your story, and share your passion.

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