
Social Video Bootcamp: Try a New Storyboard

Lucas Killcoyne


Welcome to the first installment of this year’s Social Video Bootcamp! Over the next few months, Animoto’s Chief Video Officer Jason Hsiao will be coming to you with a series of tips, tricks, and ideas to help you grow as both a video creator, and as a social media marketer.

If you’re not already a member of our Facebook group, the Animoto Social Video Marketing Community, make that your next stop. You’ll find the support of video creators just like yourself, as well as updates and online events (like this one), hosted by Animoto.

We understand that you’re busy, and we’ve crafted this bootcamp with that in mind. We will not ask you to create a video for the sake of doing so. These tips should help you produce videos that you can use for your business immediately.

Let’s begin!

Try a Storyboard You’ve Never Used Before

If you’re a photographer, photography storyboards probably feel most relevant to the videos you create. Likewise for real estate professionals, or event organizers. It’s natural to gravitate toward the storyboards that already feature media that relates directly to your industry.

That said, we don’t want you to miss out on another storyboard which might be ideal for the video you’re getting started on.

We designed our storyboards to be versatile, and while the photos and videos we select might not feel relevant to you, you may find the structure and layout appealing. After all, you’ll be dropping in your own media anyway. No one will ever know that your restaurant ad started out as a save the date.

Once you finalize your project, we encourage you to post your video to the Animoto Social Video Marketing Community on Facebook, and let us know which storyboard you used! If you have any questions, the group is the place to ask those, as well.

We’re looking forward to watching your videos!