
Social Video Bootcamp: Create Your Own Storyboard

Lucas Killcoyne


Welcome to the Social Video Bootcamp—a series of tips, tricks, and ideas designed to help you level-up your video skills. If you’re new, you can catch up on the previous four bootcamp videos here.

For this installment, we’re sharing a technique that we picked up from Jeremy Ellsworth, a member of the Animoto Social Video Marketing Community, our Facebook group, that we think will save you a ton of time: Creating your own storyboard.

Create your own Storyboard

For many businesses, it makes sense to keep your branding consistent from video to video. You may also find yourself using the same video clips and images in multiple videos. If this sounds like you, this process should make your life easier.

First, select the elements that you’d like to remain consistent from video to video. This can include color schemes, a consistent font, your favorite Animoto style, your logo, whatever you think will be useful. Of course, you’ll always be able to change these later on if you make any changes to your branding. You may also want to upload the files that you find yourself coming back to on a consistent basis. Lastly, if you find yourself using the same the text from video to video, perhaps for a slogan or tagline, feel free to get a jumpstart on that, too!

At that point, save your project and call it a day. All you’ll need to do next time you’re creating a video is copy that project and you’ve already cut out a bunch of the prep work.

For more info on creating your own template, we have a piece in our resource center that lays everything out.

Once you finish up, we’d love to see you post your videos in our Facebook group, and if any questions pop up along the way, that’s the place for those as well. If you want to check out one of Jeremy’s videos, here’s a link for that as well!