Everything you need to easily create professional videos
Discover the integrations in Animoto’s toolkit that make it easy to create and share your videos with the world.
Discover the integrations in Animoto’s toolkit that make it easy to create and share your videos with the world.
Import clips and photos from cloud storage without leaving Animoto so you’re never slowed down by downloading and uploading from multiple platforms.
Transfer clips, photos, and other assets between Animoto and Dropbox as you create a video, or export your finished projects.
Connect with your Microsoft account to transform a presentation, access media, or share within your organization.
Collaborate effortlessly with your team and access large shared files and media directly from secure cloud storage.
No importing, exporting, or uploading in other apps. Easily share your video to multiple social media platforms in just a few clicks.
Make engaging vertical videos you can upload to Instagram in just a few clicks.
Share videos with your network in minutes starting from professional LinkedIn templates.
Create and share short videos that grab attention in X’s fast-paced feed.
Reach out to our team if you think your brand is a good fit for our video toolkit.
Make every video feel seamlessly edited with access to thousands of licensed songs and stock media. Animoto’s music and media partnerships mean you never waste time searching for media that will set the right tone for your video.
Access 100+million licensed stock photos and videos without leaving Animoto.
Explore licensed music tracks from some of the most iconic artists and songs.
Choose from 3,000+ licensed songs to set the mood for your video.