Easy holiday video maker

Create personalized holiday videos, Christmas slideshows, and Hanukkah cards using your photos and video clips.

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Create holiday videos that bring loved ones together

Animoto makes it easy to send personalized Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Years greetings using your very own photos and video clips. Just upload your media to our drag-and-drop holiday video templates and create one-of-a-kind videos for your friends, family, and coworkers.

3 easy holiday video ideas for your business

Share a special offer with a promo video

‘tis the season for special deals and holiday sales! Create a promo video showing customers products or services that are on sale for black friday, cyber monday, and the holidays. Try our Holiday Promotion template to help you get started.

Make a holiday greeting video

Show your customers and colleagues that they are in your thoughts this holiday season. Create happy hanukkah, joyous kwanzaa, merry christmas, and happy new years videos using your brand, logo, and photos of your team. Get started with our Holiday Greeting template.

Create a new year’s promo video

Keep the holiday sales season going with a new year’s sale! This is a great fit for businesses that sell products or services that can help out with new resolutions. Try this New Year’s Promo template for inspiration.

Tips for making professional quality holiday videos

Find photos and video clips for your video

Decide what kind of images you want ahead of time. Are you reviewing the year that’s gone by? Celebrating with a merry christmas video? Or do you want to promote your sales? Take a look through your social media accounts or smartphone gallery to find photos and video clips you can use. If you have printed photos you want to include, scan and upload them to your device. Don’t have enough photos? Look through our collection of Getty Images stock photos and footage to find what you need for your holiday video.

Personalize your holiday slideshow

Make your holiday slideshow your own! Select colors and fonts to match your classic holiday theme or brand. You can go with traditional christmas colors and pick a red and green palette, make a wintery slideshow with soft blues and whites, or get ready for new year’s eve with elegant black and white. You can also add a personalized merry message, adding text over photos, collages, or video clips.

Add a holiday song to your video slideshow

Music adds holiday magic to your videos! The Animoto library has dozens of songs for the holidays. To narrow down your choices, search for holiday songs under “genre” in our music selector. Choose from famous christmas carols, hanukkah music, or seasonal instrumentals. Have a specific song in mind? You can also upload your own licensed holiday music to Animoto.

Inspiration for your holiday videos

Christmas video ideas

Start the season with a thoughtful Christmas video card for your loved ones or your customers. Then, share the excitement of the whole holiday season with a christmas video recap. Having a big christmas celebration? It’s quick and easy to send out video invitations to christmas events and parties. Or you can share your holiday traditions by making a video tutorial for a christmas recipe or craft. Consider it a gift from you to your audience!

Hanukkah video ideas

Celebrate the festival of lights with a personalized hanukkah card. Try out our Hanukkah Greeting template or Happy Hanukkah templates to wish your friends and family hanukkah sameach with classic blue and white.

Video ideas for kwanzaa, solstice, new years, and other holidays

Wish your coworkers, clients, friends, and family a Happy Kwanzaa, happy solstice, or Happy New Year with video! Take a look back at the year gone by and all that you’ve experienced and achieved. Or, simply celebrate Lunar New Year and kwanzaa with a heartfelt card from you and yours.


How to make a holiday video in 4 easy steps

Choose a template

Hit the ground running with one of our celebratory video templates. We have tons of options for holidays from New Year's to Mother's Day, Kwanzaa, and more.

Upload your media

Personalize to your liking

Produce and share

Feel confident with video

We’re on your team around the clock to guide you through your next project

Great videos start here

  • No experience needed
  • Hundreds of professional templates
  • Unlimited video creation

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